The Valleys 100 Forum
In the past questions and discussions about LDWA hundreds have used the national LDWA forum 'Events'. This means that discussions
can be lost amongst those about other events. Also the LDWA forum does not permit participants to remain anonymous which, we feel,
can lead to people being reluctant to voice genuine criticism of some aspect of the event.
To avoid these issues we have provided a forum dedicated to the Valleys 100 where any aspect of the Valleys 100 events can be questioned,
answered and discussed. To use the forum you will need to register, providing a user name, password and email address. If you wish to
remain anonymous provide a suitable user name and do not use your usual email address but create a new one using one of many free
services available on the internet. Note that the Valleys 100 forum is completely separate from the LDWA web-site and LDWA forum
so using your LDWA number and password to login will not work - you need to register first.
We have provided a set of headings for users to ask questions, voice opinions etc. Please try to use one of those headings but you can
start another one if necessary.
The usual rules for a forum will be observed - no obscene language, no personal attacks, keep on-topic etc. The Valleys 100 committee
reserve the right to ban persistent offenders.
Click on the link below to access the Valleys 100 forum and select 'Register' the first time and 'login' thereafter. When registering you will
need to answer a simple security question.
The security question has proved necessary to avoid spam because, following initial development, some 150 spambots managed to
register and post messages. Hopefully the simple question will prevent that.