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Glen Affric YHA, Allt Beithe, Glen Affric


Hostel Accommodation
Allt Beithe, Glen Affric, IV4 7ND
0870 1 55 32 55
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Accommodation Info
Our remote Eco-Hostel offers an unforgettable experience, fourteen miles from civilization and located in what is regarded as ?the most beautiful Glen in Scotland.? This walkers paradise has as many formidable mountains and beautiful crystal clear rivers. Easiest access is via the track from Loch Beinn a Mheadhoin (8 miles, see directions), where you will pass through the largest remaining area of the Caledonain Forest. In spring time these large gnarled pine trees are in sharp contrast with the clear blue sky and snow capped summits. This track also provides a great challenge those mountain bikers who don?t mind a bump or two. Wildlife is easily spotted on your journey, and deer regularly graze outside the hostel. NB: Guests are recommended to bring a sleeping bag and sleep sheet, as only Army blankets are available in the hostel.


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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.

Paths within 5 Km of this accommodation:

71 km / 44 miles
< 1 km
367 km / 228 miles
< 1 km
864 km / 537 miles
< 1 km

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