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100s Archive - Route, Results and Certificate

Last updated 6 June 2022

These documents are all downloadable. Use them as you will. Older members might like to take nostalgic trips down memory lane, newer members might like to see how they were written and learn a little of their history. Some may wish to try to follow them on the ground. Whatever the reason we are making them available for general interest and enjoyment. Note that these documents have been scanned from original paper copies with a corresponding reduction in quality (and often with markup or annotation added). If you have copies of any of these documents that are of significantly higher quality (or you have any other relevant documents), please contact Keith Warman so we may, if agreeable, arrange to have them copied.

Health Warning

Route Descriptions soon lose their currency. Whilst they were accurate at the time of writing features change; paths become unusable, change their alignment, get diverted or even disappear. At the very least they are likely to change in their appearance, e.g. width, surface, borders, tree growth etc. It is also likely that features like posts, signs and markers may have been removed or otherwise altered in some way. Some routes descriptions may have included (but not recorded) the use of non-public paths, the access to which was granted by the landowner specifically for the period of the event. Old route descriptions in particular may be impossible to map onto the existing ground. Even the more recent descriptions may now be difficult to follow. A map and compass and the ability to use them is probably essential. If you are tempted to walk one of the routes in this archive and you do come across a path that is not a public right of way or is not on access land then please find an alternative way round. Do not bring the LDWA into disrepute by pressing on regardless.


The paths, tracks and features contained in any of the Route Descriptions included in this archive does not imply that those paths, tracks and features currently exist and can be located and/or followed on the ground. Neither the Long Distance Walkers Association Ltd., nor the authors, writers or checkers of any the Route Descriptions contained in this archive take any responsibility for the present accuracy of their contents. They are presented in a purely historical context with no suggestion they can be followed as written. Those attempting to physically walk any of the listed routes from this archive do so at their own risk.


Copyright of route descriptions lies with the authors and the Long Distance Walkers Association Ltd.

This Disclaimer and Copyright should be read in conjunction with our general LDWA Terms and Conditions.

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