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Inchnadamph Lodge, Assynt, nr Lochinver, Sutherland


Hostel Accommodation
Inchnadamph, Elphin, By Lairg, Sutherland, IV27 4HL
01571 822218
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Accommodation Info

Situated at the heart of the dramatic Assynt mountains, Inchnadamph Lodge has been tastefully converted to provide luxury hostel accommodation at a budget price. Twin, family and dormitory (4-8 people) rooms are available and a continental-style breakfast is included. There is a large self-catering kitchen, a games room, a lounge and a dining room (both with real fires). Bar meals are usually available at the Inchnadamph Hotel just across the river. Based at the foot of Ben More Assynt, and overlooking Loch Assynt, visitors are free to explore one of the wildest areas in the Highlands. Mountains can be climbed from the door, there are caves and other exciting geological features in the Traligill river valley, and a wide diversity of birds, plants, animals can be found. Nearby lochs are popular for trout fly fishing. Details and photos are on the website.


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Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.

Paths within 5 Km of this accommodation:

367 km / 228 miles
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354 km / 220 miles
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349 km / 217 miles
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864 km / 537 miles
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111 km / 69 miles
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