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Highland Coast to Coast

Sat 6th Jul 2024

Walk Details:

Event Type
Group Walk
Region / Area
Scotland / NW Highland
Local Group
North of Scotland
36 or 26ml.
Start Time
Starts from Ullapool Harbour

Splash in the Atlantic Ocean, then north through the town to the Ullapool River bridge, then east on private roads & tracks parallel to the river Loch Achall. Continuing east on low level tracks & paths to East Rhidorroch Lodge. NE on mountain tracks & paths to Knockdamp Bothy for lunch. Continue NE then east fording a small river & onto the Schoolhouse Bothy (16miles so far). East then SE to connect with Strath Cuileannach & the famous Croick Kirk at the Strathcarron road end (26mls). A very quiet minor road for 10 miles to Ardgay and a splash in the waters of the Moray Firth

General Notes
A strenuous walk on roads, easy paths & tracks, 630m ascent (2107ft). Walkers can pull out at 26 mile road end point. Limited to 10 experienced long distance walkers, no dogs. There are public transport links at both ends of the walk, but we are planning to hire a minibus for the day (£15pp), so we'll keep you informed if you book. There is a small river crossing which may be challenging in very wet weather. Toilets at both ends of the walk
Peter Mitchell Tel: 07881462217 (please leave a text massage)

Entry Details:



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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.

Accommodation within 20 km of this Event:

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