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80km for 80 years

Fri 28th - Sat 29th Jun 2024

Walk Details:

Event Type
Group Walk
Southern England
Local Group
Start Time
Various tba
Tilford Village Hall, post code GU10 2DA. The walks' overall distance of 80Km will be split into a 50Km night walk over the Friday night followed by 3 loops of 15, 10 & 5km during Saturday, all centred on the hall. So something for everyone! There will be breaks between each loop with refreshments. In the evening everyone is welcome to join in for some less energetic celebrations

The initial 50km loop will start late evening on the Friday (28th) with an optional meal at the pub in Tilford beforehand. Walking then through the night, we?ll be arriving back at the hall for breakfast at about 7am. The shorter 15, 10 & 5km loops will be spaced over Saturday with the last finishing late afternoon. Times of these to be confirmed

General Notes
A special 80km walk to mark the 80 years of Surrey member Tony Cartwright. The night walk section will in effect form Surrey?s traditional ?mid-summer walk?. The pace will be moderate with an undulating terrain. Many people have already expressed an interest in joining for all or part of the walk. IF YOU HAVE NOT YET DONE SO and would like to be included in the circulation list then please email You don?t need to commit to any distance at the moment but closer to the time I will circulate final walk details with requests for ?who's doing what?, which will be essential for catering purposes
Start and Finish

Entry Details:



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Show Bunk House

Show Walkers are Welcome

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.

Accommodation within 20 km of this Event:

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