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Battlefields and Borderlands Way

Leicestershire, Warwickshire

68 km / 42 miles
This circular 42 mile route has been developed by two local history and walking enthusiasts. The route can be broken down into nine short sections, details which can be found in the accompanying guidebook.

The subject area of this route is best known for the Battle of Bosworth, which saw the death of Richard III and the rise of the Tudor dynasty in 1485, but so much more has happened here over the past 2000 years, as the borderland of the East and West Midlands was caught up in countless national challenges and changes.

As the route passes through Sibson, there is a connection with Dick Turpin, the infamous highwayman and the land near Wellsborough was once owned by the husband of Lady Godiva. In Cadeby, there is a connection with Thomas the Tank Engine.

Later the route passes several deserted villages from the Mediaeval era and then the motor racing circuit at Mallory Park.

Between Stoke Golding and Higham the actual battlefield of Bosworth is crossed and finally the route goes through Mancetter, where it is believed Boudica fought her last battle.


Path Type: Other Paths
Attributes: Other Paths
Average Gradients
Agricultural land
Start and Finish: SP325971 - Witherley, Leicestershire View on StreetMap
Open Date: 2020

Publications, Badges and Certificates:

Guidebook The Battlefields and Borderlands Way  (Battlefields and Borderlands Way  - 2020 )


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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
At high zoom levels the route is indicative only.
Purchase Ordnance Survey Maps:
OS Landranger 140
OS Landranger Active 140
OS Explorer 232, 233
OS Explorer Active 232, 233

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Route Profile:

67.1 km (41.7 miles)
556 m (1,824 ft) ascent
140 m (459 ft)  maximum height

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