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Coast and Clay Trail


72 km / 45 miles
This trail leads from Truro to St Austell, and then on to Dunmere (near Bodmin), where it connects with the Camel Trail. This is a multi-use trail, suitable for walkers and cyclists. For most of its length, the trail is either off-road or follows minor roads.

A number of shorter linked trails are also available - see the Clay Trails website (below) for more information.


Path Type: Other Paths
Attributes: Other Paths
Cycle Route
Start: SW825451 - Truro, Cornwall View on StreetMap
Finish: SX046676 - Dunmere, Cornwall View on StreetMap
Web Sites: Clay Trails Oliver's Cornwall - Clay Trails


Purchase Ordnance Survey Maps:
OS Landranger 200, 204
OS Landranger Active 200, 204
OS Explorer 105, 107
OS Explorer Active 105, 107

Connected Paths:

Paths Marked on OS mapping
Other Paths

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