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Invalid Image SizeThames Estuary Path (Essex)

Essex, Southend on Sea, Thurrock

47 km / 29 miles
A walk exploring the fascinating South Essex Marshes, from Tilbury Town all the way to Leigh-on-Sea, passing through an historic industrial and settled landscape with a wealth of green heritage and biodiversity. The South Essex Marshes are bordered to the north by settlement and to the south by the shore of the Thames. It is a flat, low-lying landscape, dominated by creeks, marshes and mudflats and an important habitat for migrating birds.

The path is easily accessible by train, linking six local train stations (on the London Fenchurch to Shoeburyness line) and can also be enjoyed in five smaller tours starting and finishing at the local train stations. It is clearly signed and waymarked with its new distinctive logo. The route is promoted by Essex County Council who have created mobile apps as well as the route's website at from which maps can be downloaded. Local libraries and stations also have them. The attractive mobile apps use GPS to guide walkers on the route and at key points multimedia is provided covering the history and wildlife.

Peter Caton, a long-time Essex resident, has provided The Essex Coast Walk listed below. The book describes a series of 28 walks over the full length of the Essex coast, from Manningtree to Purfleet, surveying this varied coastline from its remote and little visited stretches with its wide range of wildlife, to the industries and docks of the Thames estuary. While not a walking guide, it is a narrative describing the walk, wildlife, history, people and places along the way so it would make a good companion to someone walking the county's coast, or simply an interesting read.


Waymark: Invalid Image Size
Path Type: Other Paths
Waymark: Name plus blue and green walker graphic on white disc
Attributes: Easy
Agricultural land
Start: TQ636763 - Tilbury Station, Tilbury, Thurrock View on StreetMap
Finish: TQ831857 - Leigh-On-Sea Station, Leigh-On-Sea, Southend on Sea View on StreetMap
Open Date: 2014
Web Sites: Thames Estuary Path

Publications, Badges and Certificates:

General Interest Book Essex Coast Walk  (Matador (an imprint of Troubadour)  - 2009 )
External download Thames Estuary Path route description  (Essex County Council ) Download
External download Thames Estuary Path routes  (Essex County Council ) Download


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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
At high zoom levels the route is indicative only.
Purchase Ordnance Survey Maps:
OS Landranger 177, 178
OS Landranger Active 177, 178
OS Explorer 162, 163, 175
OS Explorer Active 162, 163, 175

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Route Profile:

41.9 km (26.0 miles)
226 m (741 ft) ascent
19 m (62 ft)  maximum height

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