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Invalid Image SizeThree Choirs Way

Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire

161 km / 100 miles
A route between Gloucester, Hereford and Worcester through countryside of hop-yards, vineyards and orchard with a theme linking the walk to the ancient music festivals still celebrated annually in the three Cathedrals. The rivers Severn, Wye, Teme and Lugg are crossed as are the Marcle and Malvern Ridges and the Suckley Hills. The Way connects with the Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, Wysis and Severn Ways and the Wye Valley Walk.

UPDATE MARCH 2022: We have been informed that a fallen tree has obstructed the Three Choirs Way in Herefordshire below and SW of Lower House (SO 6774 5180), necessitating a diversion onto the minor road between Stanford Bishop (SO 683 515) and Rumney Building (SO 672 514).


Waymark: Invalid Image Size
Path Type: Other Paths
Waymark: Treble clef, name and 'Blessed is the eye between Severn and Wye' in black on white disc
Attributes: Average Gradients
Start and Finish: SO829187 - Gloucester Cathedral, Gloucester, Gloucestershire View on StreetMap
Web Sites: Cheltenham Outlier - Three Choirs Way

Publications, Badges and Certificates:

Guidebook Three Choirs Way: Gloucester, Worcester, Hereford  (Walking Pages  - 2009 )


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Walkers are Welcome

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
At high zoom levels the route is indicative only.
Purchase Ordnance Survey Maps (path is named on OS maps):
OS Landranger 149, 150, 162
OS Landranger Active 149, 150, 162
OS Explorer 14, 179, 189, 190, 202, 204
OS Explorer Active 14, 179, 189, 190, 202, 204

Accommodation within 5 km of this Path:

Walkers are Welcome
3 km
81 km
Walkers are Welcome
3 km
95 km

Connected Paths:


Reminder: Material downloaded from this website is for personal use only. Commercial use, reproduction, modification of all content is strictly prohibited without prior approval by the LDWA. Please Contact Us if you have any requests.

Route Profile:

152.8 km (94.9 miles)
2,419 m (7,936 ft) ascent
404 m (1,325 ft)  maximum height

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