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White Hart Link


77 km / 48 miles
2017 saw the launch of an exciting new project 'the White Hart Link' a 50 mile/80 km walking route linking the five Towns of North Dorset, Gillingham, Stalbridge, Sturminster Newton, Blandford Forum and Shaftesbury using footpaths and quiet lanes. The first leg to open is between Stalbridge and Gillingham in September 2018 to tie in with the Gillingham Walking Festival. It is envisaged that the whole walking route will established and route-marked within four years

The route is being developed from the vision of Janet Swiss (artist and local resident) as a volunteer-led community project working with the Dorset Countryside Rangers.that will attract visitors, support local business and encourage enterprise. It is hoped that sections of the route will be 'adopted' by communities through which it passes, with each local group encouraging the involvement of all ages and abilities, and young people in particular to care about and protect their environment, and develop rural skills. Future developments will involve producing walk leaflets, linking the route with local points of interest. The launch event itself involved Mayors and Councillors from the participating Towns, who watched as pupils from Stalbridge Primary School fixed the first route markers along the stretch they will adopt

The Blackmore Vale was once known as the Vale of the White Hart. Legend has it that a white stag that was protected by Henry lll was killed by a bailiff of Blackmore Forest. He was fined and imprisoned and the Vale paid a fine of White Hart Silver for many years

For further information, see the weblinks below, or to become involved, please contact Project Manager Mike Woods or Route Manager Jan Wardell (


Path Type: Other Paths
Attributes: Other Paths
Average Gradients
Former Railway
Web Sites: White Hart Link - Route

Publications, Badges and Certificates:

External download White Hart Link Leaflet  (White Hart Link Group  - 2019 ) Download


You can use the interactive controls to zoom in and out and to move around the map, or click on a path or a marker for more info.(interactive map help)

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Paths Marked on OS mapping
Other Paths

Show Points of Interest
Walkers are Welcome

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.
At high zoom levels the route is indicative only.
Purchase Ordnance Survey Maps:
OS Landranger 183, 194
OS Landranger Active 183, 194
OS Explorer 117, 118, 129
OS Explorer Active 117, 118, 129

Accommodation within 5 km of this Path:

Walkers are Welcome
< 1 km
43 km

Connected Paths:


Reminder: Material downloaded from this website is for personal use only. Commercial use, reproduction, modification of all content is strictly prohibited without prior approval by the LDWA. Please Contact Us if you have any requests.

Route Profile:

77.9 km (48.4 miles)
950 m (3,117 ft) ascent
236 m (774 ft)  maximum height

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