A-Z Adventure Atlases have the accuracy and quality of OS 1:25000 mapping with the additional benefit of having an index in a book format. In addition to the high quality OS mapping, these A-Z Adventure Atlases include a comprehensive index to towns, villages, hamlets and locations, natural features, nature reserves, car parks and youth hostels, making them quick and easy to use. Each index entry has a page reference and a six figure National Grid Reference. All Adventure Atlases are the same size as the standard folded OS map (240mm x 134mm) and fit in a standard map case.
A-Z is the official mapping partner of the National Trails.
Publisher's Information 2017
This water resistant sheet map is double sided with Ordnance Survey 1:25,000 mapping showing the new coastal access verge. The path is clearly highlighted in yellow with mileage markers to gauge distances when planning sections of the walk to enjoy. The map folds down to a handy DL size.
A useful gradient profile for the section of path is included along with a selection of QR codes linked to useful websites, including temporary route updates from the National Trails, travel information and weather reports.