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Exploring the Regent's Canal

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Publication Type
Guidebook (5th edition)
Dr. Michael Essex-Lopresti
Date Published
21 cm
Number of Pages
viii, 104 pages
£9.95 (+ £2.00 p&p)
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Publisher's website 2020

Now in its fifth edition, Dr. Essex-Lopresti has fully updated and revised the definitive text on Nash's well known London waterway.

The Regent's Canal was originally constructed in 1812 and still provides both transport and pleasure for Londoners and visitors today, some 175 years later.

Dr. Essex-Lopresti's book serves both as a history and as a detailed guide, and is a companion volume to his "Exploring The New River", also published by Brewin Books.

The author has owned a canal boat since 1972 and while cruising with his wife, they have taken the opportunity of exploring the countryside and visiting places of interest alongside the waterway.

The history of inland waterways in Britain is an absorbing study and when asked by the Inland Waterway Association in 1976 to institute guided walks along the Regent's Canal in London, he happily undertook the necessary research and the monthly walks continue after over thirty years.

Paths Covered by this Publication:

14 km / 9 miles

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