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Moffat Mountain Marathon

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Textual description of path in PDF format

Publication Type
Route Description - PDF
Alan Castle
Date Published
2019 edition
Number of Pages
Free to download
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Grid references, safety advice


Corehead House, Annanwater, MOFAT, Dumfries & Galloway, DG10 9LT


Author's Information 2008

The walk should not be attempted under winter conditions and walkers must set out sufficiently early to cover the route during the hours of daylight. Expect to encounter few other people and remember that help is often a long way off. Walkers are strongly advised not to attempt the route between the beginning of October and the end of March, as day length is too short during the autumn and winter months for all but the fastest of hillwalkers or fell runners. An unplanned benightment could have serious consequences in these hills where conditions can be severe. It should be unnecessary to stress that full equipment for the hills must be carried on this walk and the hillwalker must be fully self-sufficient, carrying ample food and drink.

Paths Covered by this Publication:

53 km / 33 miles

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