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News from the LDWA

Leading Local Group Social Walks - Brief Guidelines for Social Walk Leaders

Posted on 2022-03-16

Following the easing of Covid-19 legislation over the last few months the Guidelines for Social Walk Leaders has been revised and published on the Toolkit.

They are 'light touch' guidelines to leading walks that walk leaders need to be familiar with and act as a reminder to experienced leaders.  It will hopefully be helpful to those new to leading or anyone considering such an undertaking. Leading should not be a daunting prospect, but rather one that provides the satisfaction of giving a group of walkers an enjoyable and safe day out. There are a few formal matters of which leaders need to be aware, and these are mentioned with links to LDWA policy statements.

We are always keen to improve these guidelines to help walk leaders and also enhance the experiences of those attending walks.  So, if you have any feedback or suggestions to make social walks more interesting and enjoyable, please let us know.

Stuart Bain
Environment Officer

16 March 2022

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