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News from the LDWA

Catering on Challenge Events

Posted on 2022-05-06

The LDWA have long been famous for the quality, quantity and individual character of the catering on challenge events. Our more commercial competitors have often struggled to compete, even when charging far higher entry fees. Sadly, Covid-19 meant that our challenge events couldn’t take place at all for a while, and then only with very restricted catering.

Natasha’s Law also came into force during this time and whilst it is not thought to apply directly to individual groups, obviously we want all participants to be and feel as safe and welcome as possible.

The catering section of the Toolkit has been updated to include some practical and common-sense suggestions for good practice on challenge events, as hopefully the number of events and the provision of food on them returns to pre-pandemic levels. Please have a look, contact me if you have any queries and take note of the NEC’s offer to pay for one or two people from each group to do the Level 1 Food Safety Certificate.

Sara Dyer
100s co-ordinator

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