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News from the LDWA

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News from the LDWA

Bulk emails sometimes treated as spam

Posted on 2018-12-21
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To all LDWA members:

UPDATE 23/12:
It appears that all LDWA emails to .plus.com (and possibly blueyonder) addresses are being rejected.   We will endeavour to fix this in the new year but it may take some time..   As a workaround, to be sure you continue receive LDWA emails, you might want to consider changing the email address that you use to receive LDWA emails.   We have found from experience for example that gmail addresses usually reliably receive LDWA emails.   These mailboxes are free and you can find instructions for how to set them up through a quick web-search.   Please accept our sincere apologies for this severe inconvenience.

We have been getting intermittent reports that some LDWA bulk emails are not being received by all intended recipients.   

The problem seems to have been caused by over-assiduous spam-blocking systems which are intercepting our emails and redirecting them into recipients' junk email folders, where they may not be spotted.

In fact this is a global problem, not just related to LDWA.   Apparently over 20% of all bulk emails ever sent get blocked, and never get to the addressee.

Our IT supplier is looking to try and fix the problem but it may take some time and even then we will probably not be able to effect a 100% successful solution.

In the meantime, please could your check your spam and / or junk email folders and make sure there are no LDWA emails lurking in there.   If there are, you may be able to mark them as "not spam", in which case future emails should be safely delivered to your proper in box.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience, and have a very happy festive season, with lots of fresh air and walking (long distance)!

Adam Dawson
LDWA IT and Internet Officer

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