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News from the LDWA

Plus.com email addresses un-blocked but some problems persist

Posted on 2019-01-08
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Update 8/1/2019: Further to my recent newsflash, I am pleased to advise that our IT supplier has, after very extensive dialogue, managed to persuade PlusNet to stop blocking LDWA's bulk emails. 

In about the middle of December, PlusNet started marking any incoming LDWA bulk emails addressed to members with plus.com email addresses as spam.   In some cases, this caused our emails to be rejected completely, whereas for other plus.com members, our bulk emails were being directed into local spam folders.
We understand the reasons why this happened (it was due to confusion of the LDWA domain with that of a known spammer) and hopefully now that it has been fixed, it won't happen again. 
So if you have a plus.com email address, please check your spam or junk email folders to make sure there are none of our emails in there, and if there are, mark them as "not spam".   You may also be one of the unlucky plus.com members who had incoming emails from LDWA completely blocked and as a result will have missed out on any bulk LDWA emails sent either nationally or from your Local Group since the middle of December.   For this inconvenience I can only apologise.
Please also note that all email service providers, not just PlusNet, are clamping down particularly hard on spam at the moment, and we are aware of a number of isolated instances of members reporting that LDWA bulk emails are going into their spam folders or are not being received at all.

So it would be a good idea as a general rule for all members, irrespective of who their email service provider is, to take a few moments every few weeks and check their email spam folders, to make sure that there are no LDWA emails in there - and if there are, then to mark them as "not spam".

Note that we are not aware of any other email service providers implmenting a blanket ban in the way that PlusNet did, so if you think you are missing bulk LDWA emails, and they aren't in your spam folder,  you may need to speak to your email service provider directly to get them un-blocked.
Adam Dawson
LDWA National IT and Internet Officer

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