LDWA National Committee Elections 2019
There was a contested election for LDWA Treasurer and the result was announced at the AGM on 10th March. 515 valid votes were received (436 electronic, 79 postal) and the total number of votes cast for each candidate was:.
John Elrick 396
Robin Richmond 119
Therefore John Elrick was declared elected as Treasurer.
The following were elected unopposed for the other National Executive Committee posts:
Chair: Dave Morgan
Secretary: Madeleine Watson
Membership Secretary: Julia Warman
IT and Internet Officer: Adam Dawson
Editor: Graham Smith
Local Groups Secretary: Julie Cribb
Challenge Events Coordinator: Tim Glenn
100s Coordinator: Alan Warrington
Publicity Officer: David Holland
Long Distance Paths Coordinator: Neil Rawlins
Environment, Risk and Data Protection Officer: Stuart Bain