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Maughold Venture Centre Bunkhouse


Bunk House
The Venture Centre, Jacks Lane, Port E Vullen, Maughold, RAMSAY, Isle of Man, IM7 1AW
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Accommodation Info

Maughold Venture Centre Bunkhouse is built of Manx stone, overlooking farmland with views in the distance to the sea. It offers self-catering facilities with the option of purchasing meals from the neighbouring adventure centre if required (subject to availability). All bedrooms are en-suite with full central heating. Facilities include a basic but functional games room and kitchen The number of beds in each room can be altered to suit your requirements. The local beach of Port e Vullen, 10 mins walk away, is popular with our visitors and the Bunkhouse is adjacent to the Venture Centre where you may arrange sessions of kayaking, abseiling, air rifle shooting, archery, gorge walking, dinghy sailing, power boating and team events. We have our own stop, Lewaigue Halt, on the Manx Electric Railway giving access to Douglas, Ramsay and to mountain walks and tranquil glens. Ideal for groups, families and individuals.


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Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2016.
© OpenStreetMap contributors under Open Database Licence.
Rights of way data from selected Local Authorities.
Large scale digital mapping is provided by John Thorn.

Paths within 5 Km of this accommodation:

153 km / 95 miles
< 1 km
60 km / 37 miles
< 1 km

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