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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - 5 day Coast to Coast.

Posted: Tue 29th Jun 2010, 13:00
Hi Dave,
Thanks for that. Did you camp, B&B or Hostel?
I am doing it all as a walk, I dont usually mix the two anyway but a bad groin strain over two years ago has put paid to my running, but despite being 64 years I still hope to return to it at some point. I did a training walk around the Yorkshire 3 Peaks last Saturday on a very hot day. I went too fast early on, on the summit of PYG in 43 minutes and hit the wall going up Ingleborough, then lost over half an hour being motionless with inner thigh cramp several times on the way back to Horton. Had to slow down the rest of the way to hold off the cramp and finished with a time of 7hrs 6 min, my fastest walking pace with no running is 6hrs 14mins, so well down and my legs are still sore.
Getting back to the C2C, my thoughts are that once through the Lakes I can just walk each day until Ive had enough. The plan is to try and get to Grisedale Tarn on day 1 and Orton on day 2. I was going to go the original Wainwright way or as near to as possible. However I have done that route as far as Shap during an abandoned self supported attempt over 25 years ago, so may this time use some more direct sections in the Lakes then get back on to Wainwrights route from The Knott onwards. Of course I need to try and get one decent meal a day and I don't intend carrying cooking gear.
Posted: Thu 24th Jun 2010, 6:20
hi dave
we've just done it in 7, run/walking but it was a holiday too so later starts, longer breaks, back in time for pub! door to door time on our feet was 64hrs, actual movement time around 50hrs ie approx 7 hrs a day on average..though obviously some week of adventure ever
5 days very doable..this would be my plan of attack for what its worth

day 1 st bees to grasmere area 38 miles. mostly runnable. climbs out of black sail and up to grasmere common being the exceptions

day 2 grasmere area to kirby 45 miles. long gentle ascent to grisedale. bomb down to patterdale. climb out of patterdale to kidsty (run once up high)..good undulating terrain then to orton..mostly runnable

day 3 kirby to richmond 34 miles..the moor after nine standards though drier than normal is still boggy in parts and going is slow. the first half of keld to reeth is slow going if you're going the real route and not on the valley your navving here..

day 4 richmond to lion @ blakely 43 miles..richmond to cleveland hills flat, cleveland hills runnable on flats and downs

day 5 blakely to rhb..31miles..home and dry

hope it goes well dave. if i can help any further let me know..i could lend you my dog..he knows the way ;-)
Posted: Mon 21st Jun 2010, 18:47
I am attempting a 5 day crossing of Wainwrights Coast to Coast route, in a couple of weeks time. I know most people do it in an average 12 days, but don't have that long and am doing it simply for the challenge not for sight seeing. If I enjoy the route I may return another time and spend longer on it.
I will be wild camping and doing it solo. I know the route very well as far as Shap, and don't have any navigational worries about any off it.
I would like to hear from anyone who has done a fast crossing or knows about someone who has.

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