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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Foot preparation.

Posted: Tue 22nd Jun 2010, 8:52
Hello Everyone,

As I mentioned in another recent topic I am attempting a 5 day Coast to Coast. The legs are strong so I am not worried about them, but am undecided about how best to prepare the feet. Like a lot of fast distance walkers, I tend to suffer from deep heel blisters when pushing the pace and carrying a wild camping pack (Albeit a lightweight one). On my last but one outing I for the first time also suffered a very painful 'ball of foot' blister.
I want to wear walking shoes instead of boots, but I know this increases foot movement and blisters are more likely. My dilemma is whether to cover my feet in Lanolin (I have plenty) but that adds to weight, tape my feet or apply Compeed to certain areas first. Any thoughts appreciated.

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