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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Pendle Way.

Author: Adrian Birchall
Posted: Wed 8th Aug 2018, 19:34
Joined: 2018
Local Group: Staffordshire
Planning to walk the Pendle Way next week, in stages, with son. Any suggestions on wild camping spots along route, and any bus information if we do a stretch then need to get back to start point to car?
Posted: Tue 10th Aug 2010, 19:47
Walked the Pendle Way yesterday as a non stopper. Ive done ti many times previously, all in a single push (non stopper) with my best time for the 45 miler being 14hrs 41min. It is a circular route starting from Barley below Pendle Hill and involves 1,935 metres of Ascent and Descent (6,384ft).
Setting of at 3.35 am and heading straight for the steep steps up Pendle Hill, I felt good, although both knees were hurting from a very busy couple of weeks work with lots of squatting and twisting, cleaning carpets.
I was surprised to come across a group of five Asian lads, dressed in towny hoody jackets and shivering from the cool air near to the summit.. Apparently staying with family in Burnley, but from Kent they had walked to Pendle hill to catch the sunrise. They had arrived there about two hours too early.
Very soon as I progressed it was daylight though cloudy with occasional light drizzle. The path was very overgrown in many places, more so than I had ever seen it before. Wearing walking shoes, my feet soon became wet as I tramped through the long wet grass.
I always aim for an average 3mph when on these things, so 15 hours was my target. Things were fine for 30 miles, then as my legs started to get that tightening, seizing up feeling I had to put more effort in to keep driving them forward. Although I managed to keep the leg speed going, you just can't do anything about the diminishing stride length, which inevitable reduces your actual average speed. At 35 mile the top of my left foot began to feel bruised, but I decided to press on and try my best to ignore it. I arrived back in Barley, just two minutes outside of 15 hours with tight legs a sore foot and absolutely exhausted. I have done many non stoppers over the years even up to 90 miles but never finished one so drained.
Anyway a quick change of clothing, Scampi, Chips and a pint of Shandy in the pub, then the drive back home to a wonderful soak in the bath before one of the best nights sleep Ive ever had.

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