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Discussion Forum - Events - across wales

Author: Denis Jolly
Posted: Thu 13th Jan 2011, 20:06
Joined: 1992
Totally agree with the previous posts. Stuart & his team do a fantastic job. One of if not the best event of the year but, sssshhhhhhh! keep it quiet.
Author: Stuart Lamb
Posted: Sun 2nd Jan 2011, 18:10
Joined: 1982
Local Group: Heart of England
Thanks Steve and Bill for your very kind comments!

We look forward to seeing you both again next year.

Best regards,

Author: Bill Lancashire
Posted: Thu 9th Sep 2010, 9:46
Joined: 2003
Local Group: South Wales
Yes, congratulations again to Stuart, his family and army of helpers in putting on what is one of my favourite events.

This year the weather was much kinder to us than in recent times with glorious sunshine except for just the short heavy shower as I was on Pumlumon.

Author: Steve Jelfs
Posted: Thu 9th Sep 2010, 6:37
Joined: 1998
Local Group: Heart of England
what a
great event again this year , What other event do you get woken at 3-30 with tea + toast , get a bus ride to the start , a great walk of 45 mile , a meal . nights sleep . talk , and bus ride home .
This is run by stuart lamb and family , who do breakfast , kit transport , check points ect ect
Thank you does not sound a lot for all the hard work thats makes this event special

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