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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Lift, swim, walk! The Percy Cerutty Hundred challenge.

Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Mon 24th Jan 2011, 18:01
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Bear in mind next years 100 is in London and the swim challenge is for open water- so the Thames?!

Otherwise- for those bored after the 100 and eaten their meal looking more action after having done their swim - try lifting the breakfasts bags and luggage etc- I bet they would qualify for the average persons' weight!

But I'm sure someone daft enough will/could do it!
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Sun 23rd Jan 2011, 17:10
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Struth, that's pretty seriously hard. The 100 + swim would be ok, but lifting your own weight adds another dimension (and would encourage a little diet and weight loss). Count me out, but a good idea for an additional challenge for those that finish the 100 a bit quick and are waiting for their mates to come in!! Matt.
Posted: Sun 23rd Jan 2011, 11:59
You may already know of Percy Cerutty, the 1950s Australian sports coach/guru but if not, do look him up. He was sufficiently barmy to fit in very well among the LDWA Hundreders. Anyway, one of his (many) eccentric quotes was "Before you can call yourself a man you should be able to lift your own weight overhead, swim a mile in open water and walk 100 miles in 48-hours". No equivalent criteria for women I'm afraid! Back in 2006 I attempted all 3 challenges for charity - albeit on 3 separate occasions.

I wonder if any of the super-human ultra runners who take part in the annual Hundred would be interested in attempting all 3 in 48 hours (which is what I assume Percy had in mind)? Perhaps the Hundred organisers for 2012/2013 might be able to add a Percy Cerutty challenge to the event - I'm happy to add my help.

P.S. it took me 9 months of training at Bath University to 'clean and jerk' my weight overhead but I think I'm twice the weight of most LDWA members.

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