Oh well I knew this was going to happen , back over old ground, but no worries as we all know there is always something new to be found as long as we look for it.
I will offer the Flip side to Ians forum coin, and say that I am a regular user of four Forums all of which I consider to be of interest to a niche market (as I suspect the LDWA forum would be) i.e I use a classic mini forum, a T3 VW camper Van forum, a Welding welding DIY forum (the welding forum compliments the first two perfectly), and a running Forum (same one as Matt), and of course this one occasionally.
All the Forums I use are open to the world but require registration for full use i.e. to see and post read only without registration) three of them have a members only area where club members are free to post on various subjects that are considered to be of specific interest and use to the paid up members such as where the club meets are being held etc, the same three have a welcome area where new forum members introduce themselves and often the aims and reasons for joining the forum then then of course there are the specilist headings Tuning, Interior and so on (but all reative to the subject matter of interest, in addition to the technical stuff three have areas with headings such as Members Journals where forum members discuss there projects, one has a specific heading for for our overseas cousins to get to know us and discuss all things relative to our interests, such as local suppliers, import issues, local (to them events),.all the forums I refer to here have a for sale area where kit that someone no longer requires is moved on, one has a swap or giveaway section where as the name suggest exhanges of euipement an redundant kit are made.
I could go on but in short they are user friendly in fact to such an extent that if a member comes unstuck and there are people local to them more often than not strangers outside of the forum, then offers of help and advice comes in and it is not unusual for the virtual advisors to turn up to resolve a fellow forum users problems.
On the subject of being open to the world the scope from a Long distance walkers point of view I would have thought was enourmous, for example the forum I mentioned that has a specific heading for overseas members has people from South Africa, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, America, Canada in fact pretty much global and it is really nice to see how things are done in other parts of the world, and it is good to learn from o0ur foreign friends about the places we should visit when we go to there countries that, that the average tourist would never see, and i know of people that have vitually had free guides by meeting up with there virtual friends from a forum, and of course this is reciprocated when they visit our shores..
Now that is where I think the LDWA could really benifit as i reckon it would be great to have regular correspondents from all over the globe from whom we could learn about where the locals (rather than tourists) go to walk, and eat etc, etc.
Why in theory it could even open up oppurtunites for the LDWA to become global with branches all over the world, that would help take pressure off of our annual 100, by vitue of the fact the continental branches could stage there own local 100s using there own local volunteers, and open to LDWA members anywhere in the world, Just picture a 100 in say Switzerland or Canada wellanywhere for that matter, what a crackin holiday that would make. ( ok Hypothetical maybe but not impossible with a bit of forethought and open mindness).
Of course as Ian says there is and always will be a bit of baiting and sniping that goes on as in all walks of life mostly good natured but if not then the sites are well managed and moerated and the offending post removed and offender warned or struck off.
I have outlined the above as I really do think that the LDWA is missing an oppurtunity to secure it`s long term future, by opening the forum up we could raech a far greater audience which in turn will attract new members, the forum would not become a nasty place to visit, on the contrary it would be a welcoming informative refuge for anybody interested in Long distance walking and given the temperment and personality of folk that enjoy such pursuits there should be no reason to suspect that the quality of the forum would suffer, particulary with a bit of good management and maybe a little moderation.
Talking of which I apologise to the Moderator having to read through that lot.;-)
I also apologise for any Grammatical / spelling errors but I typed this lot qicker than my brain operates thes days