Below is the text of an email about a fall I had on the route that I?m planning to send to the appropriate Rights of Way team but despite revisiting the route description I cannot work out where the incident happened - can anyone help? I seem to remember a field then the stile in question then about 50 metres of uphill, possibly followed by traversing to the left, all in open rather than wooded countryside. I think it was in the first half of the route, mostlikely on the Mortimer Way.
'I am writing about an experience I had on a stile with the hope that it will influence stile deployment and design.
I took part in the Long Distance Walkers Association?s annual 100-mile walk, the Housman Hundred, on the 28th and 29th of May. It mostly followed the Mortimer Way, Offa?s Dyke Path and Shropshire Way. The walk had many (many!) stiles. A small number had barbed wire on them and a couple were wobbly but those hazards are easy to spot and I?m not writing about them. There was only one I had a problem with.
I cannot be absolutely certain of the location where the problem occurred, but from studying the directions and map afterwards I think it was at OS Ref ???, where there was a stile followed by a steep hill when going in a ??? direction.
Many of the stiles on the Mortimer Way section of the walk did not have the normal steps consisting of planks at right angles to the fence-line, but instead had a single, fairly thin, plank each side of the fence, quite close and parallel to it.
Owing to the thinness of the step and its closeness to the fence I had been placing my foot at about 30 degrees to the fenceline for many of these stiles. But this time I placed it at 90 degrees to the fenceline in order that I could move off quicker afterwards. To do this, only the back of my foot could be supported by the step, but this should have been OK. The next thing I knew was that I plunged forward to the ground and my trainer was ripped from my foot: as I moved off the step my foot had canted down at the front and up at the back as expected but the top of the back of the trainer had caught under either a wire, which I believe was a continuation of the fence through the stile, or on another piece of horizontal wood.
I did not appear to be injured, I and my companions at the time laughed about it and I carried on and completed the walk. However, over the last miles I repeatedly retied my laces on that shoe to try and relieve pain on the top of my foot, which I attributed to my feet swelling and the laces being too tight, but in retrospect I think it was bruising caused by the violence of the trainer being ripped off.
While I made light of it at the time, I count myself lucky that the space in front didn?t have anything I could have injured myself on and that the trainer came off, as otherwise I could have broken a bone, as could an older person subject to the same fall.
The reason I?m writing is not to claim compensation (I hate the compensation culture and the avoidance of personal responsibility), but to ensure that either this particular stile is altered if it is a one-off as regards its design, or that this non-British-Standard type of stile is not used in future. I can see how the design might be cheaper than a conventional stile and know that you cannot enforce the British Standard on a landowner, but that has to be weighed up against possible compensation for a litigious accident victim. Also, with only one step each side, these stiles are hard for shorter people to negotiate.'