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Discussion Forum - Ideas Forum - LDWA Under 40s

Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Fri 1st Apr 2016, 14:42
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Hi Timothy, I saw your Nov 2011 entry while responding to the 1st April "Barrier to Recruitment" entry.

A couple of questions:

1. Had there been much change in the membership age profile since 2011 ? Do new(er) members tend to be under 40 (or even under 50) ?

2. Did anything come of the proposal for an under-40s group or sub-group ?

I appreciate your positive remarks regarding us old(er) members, but it may that something rather significant needs to happen to the age profile before a large majority of us (looking for a word ...) go gently into the night ...

Author: Timothy Evans
Posted: Tue 8th Nov 2011, 12:46
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Marches
Theres loads of young folks out there who like their long distance walking, i guess its just a matter of trying to entice them to join the LDWA. The start line of my local event The Long Mynd Hike (50 miles - non LDWA) shows how many young folks are interested in challenge events. My local LDWA group (Marches) doesn't put on any social walks i don't think the local LDWA membership suffers because of this. Instead they put on a couple of local very challenging local events which appear to attract a number of younger people.

I joined a few years ago (now aged 35) and have used my LDWA membership to enter challenge events in other areas. This year myself and friends (also LDWA members) Kerry (37) and Sam (25ish) completed our first 100 (Housman). We did alot of the route with other keen younger walkers (Ben, Paul, Mario and Neil) as well as older members (Kev and Bob).

Truth be told i guess the LDWA to me does have a slightly older image. But the 'older' guys and gals are definitely young at heart and most of them a damn sight fitter than I am!! I hope i'm still competing in 100 mile hikes when i am 82!! I think the older competitors are a real inspiration to younger members. I am already planning 3or 4 50s and about 6 20+ mile events for the year coming, so i think it is safe to say i have caught the LDWA bug!

I'm not sure how i feel about an under 40's group. I guess most folks in this age bracket will be working, so walks would have to be at weekends which is when the challenge walks are. Also how would it work geographically/ Would be interested to know a bit more about what you have planned.
Author: Katherine Moggach
Posted: Thu 25th Aug 2011, 21:26
Joined: 2010
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Really good idea Claire. I adore my LDWing and would love to find others in a similar age bracket (I'm mid 30s) who share my love. Do feel a little 'odd' that I'm into it at such a young (!) age but good to know I'm not the only one.
Posted: Mon 1st Aug 2011, 12:22
I think the idea is great and will encourage young people to join the LDWA. About 15 years ago I set up a breakaway group called 40's Walkers North . We broke away from 40's Walkers South as they were only interested in slow short walks. The group really blossomed and had 200 members when i decided to leave the group ( I I felt too old and well outside the age parameters.) The group was based on the internet using a msn group website, what was good was that members could leave messages and photos on the site and put their names down for walks or weekends away . It was great and very successful and I wish you all success too Claire

I'll be shortly moving to France and have a lot of cloth badges to give away (75 if anyone is interested ) all were before 2000 as I havn't collected any since.
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Sat 23rd Jul 2011, 21:19
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Maybe time for me to go under the surgeons knife for a few cosmetic "nips and tucks", to try and pass myself off as an under 40 - I want to go out and play with the youngsters!!

Seriously, I certainly go along with the idea and there are plenty of younger walkers out there, they simply don't know who the ldwa are and when they do find out......... they see a (very fit) SAGA club. Matt.
Author: Janet Pitt-Lewis
Posted: Sat 23rd Jul 2011, 18:39
Joined: 1993
Local Group: Marches
Clare - its a great idea - no one is saying exclude us oldies from challenge walks -or from our local groups- but it is entirely natural that walkers will want to socialise with people of their own age group. We will not encourage younger members into the organisation if every time they go out - or look at the website or in Strider - all they see is a load of men and women old enough to be their parents or grandparents. My only worry is that you have set the bar too old - 35 maximum I would have said. Get some young blood in and maybe we will see ideas on this part of the forum more regularly than once in a blue moon. I think you need a name with a catchy acronym - how about the FRee from Old fogies Group - the Frogs - or is that too amphbian for your taste?
Posted: Sat 23rd Jul 2011, 11:32
Yep, silly old doddering me. I did not realise that it stated joining year as you posted so I have been a member for 25 years but no more.
Posted: Sat 23rd Jul 2011, 11:31
Actually I saw something around this in the latest Strider and I must admit I felt uncomfortable about it.
I appreciate we have an ageing membership but excluding oldies from walks is hardly helpful to anything. I am really struggling to see what the thinking behind it is. The more I think about it the morer I feel that I don't really want to belong to an organisation that is 'ist' in any way shape or form.
Yes I am outside the target area (aged 54) but I have been a member for at least 25 years and maybe nearer 30 so I was a younger member once.
Posted: Thu 17th Mar 2011, 21:04
hi everyone,
A few of us younger walkers are organising walks and socials around the country for those members of the LDWA who are under 40 (or young feeling 40s). Please reply to this post if your interested and lets see how many of us there are!
Claire :)

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