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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Message to Ian Sykes

Author: Ian Sykes
Posted: Mon 4th Apr 2011, 19:58
Joined: 1986
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Tell me about it John. I pay a small fortune for the wife to use a gym. and them the cheeky bugger goes there before 9-30 so she pays for the bus fare as well instead of waiting so she can use her OAP bus pass.

I'm trying to kid her up that if she runs to the gym than instead of going in turns around and runs home again, she will save on the bus fares and I'll save on the gym membership fee.

Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Mon 4th Apr 2011, 19:37
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
It's only a theory but it seems to me that Oldies approaching or in retirement think "how can I keep fit" or get fit and thus avoid diabetes, heart probs etc, without incurring £40 a month at the gym and then stumble (or hobble?) on to the LDWA
Author: Ian Sykes
Posted: Mon 4th Apr 2011, 18:17
Joined: 1986
Local Group: East Yorkshire
That's good news John, about the under 40's.

So I don't have to hang my trainers up yet.

Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Mon 4th Apr 2011, 16:21
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
There's no chance of being over-run by under 40's in LDWA as posted on this thread, we have only a few hundred in this age range. Reports indicate average age of 64 for The Houseman, but this is probably a statistical cock-up, more likely 57 or 58. The initial founders in the 1970's are not being replaced by similar 30 somethings but more likely by retirees of more advanced years.
Author: Graham Perry
Posted: Sat 2nd Apr 2011, 0:30
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Kent
Life goes round and round. Being neither an under 40 or an over 60 once again I'm an inbetweeny just over 50, I hope I'm not alone in this zone ! lol
Author: Mike Rayner
Posted: Fri 1st Apr 2011, 19:19
Joined: 1983
Local Group: Northumbria
All age differences will be forgotten when they need you for the baggage on the Hundred, Ian
Author: Ian Sykes
Posted: Fri 1st Apr 2011, 19:13
Joined: 1986
Local Group: East Yorkshire
We could also start our own LDWA group, the If we all use our bus passes to get to the walks there will be plenty of room for our zimmer frames and the odd wheelchair. Instead of pub stops we could have care home stops. After all if the LDWA is over run by under 40's, us over the hill 60+ plus members will be pensioned off into them like a unwanted elderly relative.

Author: W. Paul Tremere
Posted: Fri 1st Apr 2011, 17:56
Joined: 1989
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Perhaps you all ought to go an event together. It could be a joint operation !
Author: Ian Sykes
Posted: Wed 30th Mar 2011, 20:06
Joined: 1986
Local Group: East Yorkshire
I have a permanent guest living on top top floor for many years now. His name is Si and he lives in the attic, but he as a habit of popping downstairs and playing with me when I'm least expecting him. :-(

Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Tue 29th Mar 2011, 22:35
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
This bloke Arthur Ritus gets around. He's been paying his unwelcome visits to me too, accompanied by his even more unwelcome cousin Osteo.
Author: Ian Sykes
Posted: Tue 29th Mar 2011, 21:36
Joined: 1986
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Thank for letting me know David. Hope you'll be back walking soon.

Posted: Fri 25th Mar 2011, 20:13
Ian sorry I have mislaid your phone number etc.
Due to a lot of visits from Mr Arthur Ritus and a couple of his family who's names I can not even pronounce never mind spell. I will not be on this years Woldsman or be able to get down to help you on the 100.
David H

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