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Discussion Forum - Events - Announcing the inaugural walk of a new Long distance path: The Games Way

Posted: Sat 25th Jun 2011, 11:35
I am delighted to announce the route for a new long distance path called The Games Way (agreed with the legal folk at LOCOG). Full details of the route are avaliable at

Walk2012 is celebrating the London2012 Olympic Games with a 180 mile walk between Weymouth and Portland (where all the sailing events will take place) and the Olympic Stadium in London. The Games Way official inaugural walk begins next summer in Weymouth the morning after the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games. It is a free event and open to everybody, whether they want to join-in for a day, a weekend, or the whole walk.

I do hope you will join us for all or part of the walk - the route is beautiful and historic, taking in the gorgeous Jurassic Coast, ancient castles, the New Forest, Winchester, and on into London along the Thames and the South Bank, and up to the Olympic Stadium in Stratford.

Cheers, Mark
(apologies for posting this twice!)

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