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Discussion Forum - Events - Best events for runners

Author: Alan Greenwood
Posted: Sun 5th Mar 2006, 16:18
Joined: 1998
Local Group: Calderdale
I hope Anne, Vaughan,dog and other runners will join us on Calderdale Groups new challenge event next year on Saturday January 6th. The route is already on the web in pictorial form and can be downloaded using tracklog software. The route description is there also and will in due course be amended to make it as reader friendly as possible for runners and walkers alike. Any suggestion as to how that can be achieved apart from more paragraphs would be helpful.Have a look at
Author: Ian Koszalinski
Posted: Wed 1st Mar 2006, 13:26
Joined: 2004
Local Group: High Peak
i don't mind runners whether they start at the same time or later but i prefer late as i like to see how far i get before the runners come and also to get to the biscuits before they all go.I did have a grin on my face at the 2 crosses earlier this year, it seemed that everyone was running at the begining
Posted: Tue 28th Feb 2006, 16:45
I haven't done many LDWA events so can't really say which ones I think are best. I can say that I have thoroughly enjoyed all of them (think I've done about 4 or 5, but many more planned), and probably for exactly the same reason as the walkers enjoy them. I have been aware that some walkers don't want runners in their events but I have only encountered friendly and encouraging LDWAers.
Author: Gilbert John
Posted: Wed 15th Feb 2006, 13:05
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Sussex
Marathon distance rather than 25 or 26 miles.
Many runners are trying to complete 100 marathons and to join 100 marathon club.
Easy to follow instructions.
Varied terrain.
As traffic free as possible.

Runners want to carry the minimum possible but still enjoy the challenge of a marathon or longer distance.

We all accept that LDWA is a walkers Assoc, however I wonder what percentage of entrants on our longer distances are runners - would so many events survive without them ?
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Wed 8th Feb 2006, 21:12
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
I shall ignore the above, far to canny to bite on that one.
Have to say that a few ldwa faces are turning up at fell races. One well known ldwa Shropshire gentleman (instantly recognizeable by his personal attire - think tights with khaki shorts over the top!) I see frequently at events on the borders. And very welcome I hope he is made too, we certainly don't complain because he has to 'walk bits'. And majority of ldwa members don't worry if we choose to 'run bits' long may it remain so - we are all there for the same reasons, lets continue to support each other. Matt.
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Wed 8th Feb 2006, 10:01
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Perhaps the LDWA could become the Long Distance Footsloggers or somesuch cover all name!!!! I notice that Matt doesn't mention 'er indoors, who puts up with his mud and slime ridden running gear (on a daily basis), soothes his fevered brow when he is off injured (regularly),tries to keep up with him when he deigns to walk with 'er(occasionally). He also forgets to mention that he has NO idea of distance (only another half mile dear), or height/climb (not very steep, then we go along a bit of a ridge.....) AND he has seven pairs of unutterably smelly trainers cluttering up the back porch. On second thoughts, perhaps change Foot sloggers to Bog trotters. Jane.PS. I do the occasional walk too! Favourite so far -Bluestone Challenge,Pembrokeshire
Author: Anne Wade
Posted: Tue 7th Feb 2006, 21:01
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Heart of England
It seems to me that there is an increasing number of runners at most events and certainly Vaughan and I (and Daisy!) are made to feel most welcome and we enjoy them all.
When I first joined the LDWA I was a walker and enjoyed the days out as an escape from small children. I couldn't understand how people actually ran all the way and through mud as well. As the children grew up, I found that I needed to complete the events more quickly as there seemed to be so much else to do all the time, especially with working full time as well. So I started running. It took about a year before I could run 'all the way' and I could run a marathon in the morning and do something else in the afternoon. Then, as the 'children' became independent, Vaughan joined in and we now regard our running as our main hobby. We thoroughly enjoy the camaraderie of the events, especially the post-event meal and chat and have made many new friends, who understand what we do!! Other friends and colleagues just think we're mad and can't get their heads around it at all.
We obviously go for the runner-friendly and dog-friendly events, but we do take part in many different events (LDWA, TRA, mountain marathons and multi-day) and they all pose different challenges. Variety of terrain and scenery are essential; hills are good because you get a rest walking up them and a rest running down them; staggered starts are preferable because of the problem of bottlenecks and it's easier to pace yourself properly. We also prefer small events without hordes of people so it becomes a crocodile. Off-road running is way better than road - less damaging to the joints, far more interesting and we enjoy the challenge of the navigation and being alone. Really detailed instructions are sometimes difficult because there is too much to read and long paragraphs make it harder to keep your place. I always plot routes onto maps and it would be helpful if instructions contained information for this to be more possible, eg grid references and place names on the map. Instructions are, however, necessary for going through built up areas - street names etc.
I also think it's important to give something back and we help to organise A Coventry Way (advert!). Cheerful and encouraging checkpoint staff are brilliant and the range of food offered on different events is amazing, but you learn to carry your own anyway.
All in all I cannot think of a better hobby - we are never ill and seem to be far more energised than other people. I am sure that we will continue to run for as long as we are able and then it'll be full circle and we'll be walkers, still enjoying our days out.
Author: Garfield Southall
Posted: Tue 7th Feb 2006, 9:24
Joined: 1991
Local Group: Merseystride
In which case, Christine, the Radio Times should concentrate on radio. Runners are a valuable part of the LDWA scene and occupy a good portion of the entrants on most events. Strider should reflect the interests of those who enter the events. - Garfield
Author: Christine Stockton
Posted: Mon 6th Feb 2006, 22:34
Joined: 2005
Local Group: Heart of England
Surely our Editor should concentrate on events which are good for walkers as in our stated aim, to further the interests of ld walkers. Is there to be a new specialist group the LDWA runners? I don't mind runners but they should be encouraged to do runners' events and vv.
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Mon 6th Feb 2006, 20:32
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
The good things first: Fantastic way to learn about distance running without 'race pressure'. You learn, navigation, nutrition, pacing, hydration, gain confidence and more. You can run in your own time (however slow) and are not afraid to walk sections if tired. You can always find someone else of your pace to run with for some or all of the way, and with them (probably a perfect stranger)learn something about teamwork from the experience (many a time I have been helped, or helped others through seriously bad patches). I believe LDWA events are the ideal training ground for distance trail running or even mountain marathon events, they are a challenge and a great day out where you cannot come to much harm. They are cheap to enter, sociable, well organised (generally) and there is FOOD. I enjoy hills of all sorts - they make the event interesting and more scenic. I find flat monotonous and hard work. I enjoy navigation, especially over open ground, such as moorland or mountain, so you have to think and learn about map and compass. I prefer to run the route off the map rather than by instructions, which I find difficult to follow when running. I enjoy virtually any ground underfoot, though Welsh bogs and tussock grass make me swear a lot. Nearly forgot - love wading across rivers, it's a Welsh thing!

I don't like: Forestry tracks, they are hard underfoot, boring, no views and invariably become lost - if I'm not following instructions closely (which I don't). Courses with an excess of farmland and fields, too many gates and stiles which continually break the rythmn of running. End up dashing around fileds looking for the exit, same with too complex footpath navigation - difficult to get going. Being grouped up for night sections (LMH) though I fully appreciate why it is necessary. Farmyards and gateways knee deep in "POOOO". Otherwise not much I don't like really. Matt.
Author: Julie Welch
Posted: Mon 6th Feb 2006, 14:45
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Thanks, guys. Next question(s) - what makes an event good for runners, in particular and in general? For instance - Soft surface? Interesting scenery? A long, sociable run to get in a lot of training miles? Why an LDWA event rather than a road race?
Author: Nick Ham
Posted: Mon 6th Feb 2006, 13:11
Joined: 1998
Local Group: South Manchester
Hi Julie,
My favourites for running include Rombald's Stride, Beacon Bash, Grindleford Gallop, Peakers Stroll, White Peak Walk, Dovedale Dipper, Elsecar Skelter, Bullock Smithy Hike, Chatsworth Challenge, High Peak 40 Mile Challenge, Six Dales Circuit (old route!). My absolute favourite is the Bullock Smithy Hike because it's my local event and the first one I ever did back in 1996.
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Wed 1st Feb 2006, 22:03
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Rhayader Mountain Trail, because it was the first event I ever ran (many years back). The route changes a bit nearly every year, so never get bored. There is navigation involved, plenty of ascent overall, every type of ground underfoot. And to prove I am totally biased towards it - it is our group event. Alongside the walk this year, we are also hosting one of the brand new, Montrail sponsored, ultra running series over the same course. We should have the best distance runners in the country running on the same day, quite exciting. Anyone interested, their website is (or something like that). Matt.
Author: Julie Welch
Posted: Wed 1st Feb 2006, 17:25
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Calling all LDWA runners - what are your favourite events and why are they good ones for runners? I'm putting together a feature for either April or August Strider so if you've got any thoughts it would be great to read them.Julie.

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