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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - What LDP next?

Author: Kevin McCann
Posted: Tue 8th Nov 2011, 8:31
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Wessex
We have done several LDPs including the Dales Way. We found it OK but for us it lacked the 'adventure' of other LDPs. It's a pleasant walk but not very demanding. We merged the Dales Way with the Cumbria Way and really enjoyed the Cumbria Way bit - other than the last day into Carlisle.

Other ideas - Isle of Man Coastal path. Superb!
Author: Ian Walker
Posted: Fri 28th Oct 2011, 11:32
Joined: 2010
Local Group: South Wales
I walked the Cleveland Way this Easter and it's gone right to the top of my long-distance path list. It's a good walk for all sorts of reasons, not least the nice contrast between the moorland section and the coastal section.

I managed quite easily to camp the whole way, with the exception of Saltburn where I treated myself to a B&B.
Posted: Mon 26th Sep 2011, 9:40
You're welcome! Hope you enjoy it.
Posted: Tue 13th Sep 2011, 19:13
Hi Garry

Thank you for the excellent advice, I will most certainly be doing the Cleveland Way as my next LDW. So my next step is to order the map and get the guidebook.

Posted: Mon 12th Sep 2011, 16:49
Hi Jack,

sorry about the delay in responding. The Cleveland Way was excellently waymarked throughout. I took a map, compass and the guidebook (which was also very good) but didn't need them. The posts were all clearly visible (not buried in hedges or missing) and care had been taken to make them unambiguous when there was any possibility of doubt. There was one bit in a forest that the guidebook described as "an exercise in pathfinding" which actually turned out to be an absolute doddle. Paths were well maintained.
The weather was pretty good for us (only rained for two days) so we had some excellent views. I can recommend it. It was thoroughly enjoyable.

Posted: Wed 31st Aug 2011, 19:01
Hi Garry
Thanks for the advice. How did you find the navigation, easy or hard were their plenty of waymarkers
Posted: Wed 31st Aug 2011, 11:46

I walked the Cleveland Way last month and it was great. Hardly anyone was walking it (the greatest number of walkers we met were actually walking the Coast to Coast). I think that it is possible to camp at official campsites the whole way (some nicer than others it must be said) but I didn't find them terribly conveniently spaced out (we mixed up camping and B&Bs). The website is excellent and offers very reliable accomodation information.
If you've any more specific questions then fire away - the walk's still fresh in my memory.

Posted: Tue 23rd Aug 2011, 14:35
I have just completed the GGW, and had a great time doing it. Now I am now looking for my next challenge, and was thinking about doing the Cleveland Way or the Dales Way. Anybody got any suggestions, I want if possible to camp the whole way.

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