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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Western Isles to Brighton - June 2012

Posted: Tue 27th Dec 2011, 19:32
Hi Richard,

Just wandering if you tried Mark Moxon's web site who had walked the LEJOG a few years ago. Although you are not doing that particular walk he does have loads of useful links that you may find helpful especially through Scotland and the north of England. Good luck with the trek which ever route you take. By the way are you intending to blog your journey?
Posted: Fri 30th Sep 2011, 13:45
I am planning a trip next year to begin at Stornaway (a cycle trip of 2 weeks with my wife). And then on arriving at Ardrossan will walk back to my home town of Brighton. So thought it would be appropriate to join the LDWA in advance and hopefully benefit from people with more experience.

I am in the process of designing a route (thanks already to your database, and the online OS) - see here

Would welcome any suggestions for any parts of the route but particularly for the for the section Ardrossan to Carlisle - River Ayr Way and then south, or down the coast and then East


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