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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - The Timeless Way, Outer Hebrides

Author: John Gillatt
Posted: Fri 30th Sep 2011, 14:33
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Has anyone but me and Dennis Gilbert done the 230 mile Timeless Way in the Outer Hebrides (the full length of all 10 inhabited islands)? We both have mixed feelings about it as a long distance footpath, Dennis with more misgivings than me, although I suspect that he did it in rather more inclement weather than I experienced! I used the GPS route from the LDWA website to guide me and thank goodness I did as navigation was, to say the least, a bit tricky at times. I think both Dennis and I would be interested in anyone else's experiences. There's a full website of my walk at with more information and a summary of my thoughts on Peter Clarke's site -

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