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Discussion Forum - Gear ! - Newbie wanting gear advice

Author: Roy Turner
Posted: Thu 12th Apr 2012, 21:52
Joined: 1988
Local Group: Vermuyden (South Yorks)
Hi Ken.
As mentioned all is personal choice over time, for me, you cannot beat"PARAMO CLOTHING" dry, warm, soft, non abrasive, includes underwear.
Boots, "Scarpa" leather, pick your style, mine are as light as trainers, sometimes Salomon & Karrimore, pick what suits.
Fitness comes from regular walking, 25mls every wkend. I do this myself & do the100 walk most years, 16th this year, once fit it becomes a mind-set.
Hope this helps a little, good luck.
Author: Armorel Young
Posted: Tue 4th Oct 2011, 20:57
Joined: 1999
Local Group: Sherwood
Joining social walks and challenge walks will give you lots of opportunities to talk to other walkers, hear about their experiences and gather ideas from them - many of the walkers you will meet like nothing more than to talk about their adventures and answer questions about how they tackled them, so you'll find plenty of help and advice out there.

In addition, if you start with whatever you are comfortable with in terms of distance / terrain / weather conditions / night walking etc., and work from there, you will quickly develop your own ideas about what you feel you need. You may turn out to be a "minimalist" who sets out to cover the distance in the shortest possible time carrying the minimum of kit, or a "maximumist" who carries a large pack containing equipment for all eventualities - ultimately you are the only person who can decide what approach suits you. You have only to look at the entrants on a challenge event to see that all sorts of things are possible. For example, waterproofs in one form or another are clearly an important issue, but one person will decide that all they need is a light waterproof jacket because they will keep moving fast enough to keep warm, while another person will go for the full waterproof jacket and overtrousers ... and so on. So consult other people by all means, but you will still find that it's your own experience that will really make up your mind for you.
Author: Mike Rayner
Posted: Mon 3rd Oct 2011, 14:03
Joined: 1983
Local Group: Northumbria
Ken. Have you read "the Practicals". Look in Useful Info>LDWA LIbrary>The Practicals. Bill Orme has recorded his advice
Posted: Mon 3rd Oct 2011, 12:01
Many thanks for replies - I would certainly welcome being put in touch with any members who could offer advice - both on the gear issue but I suppose any expert advice of what I need to do to go from being fairly unfit to being able to take on challenging long distance walks
Author: Mike Rayner
Posted: Sun 2nd Oct 2011, 7:59
Joined: 1983
Local Group: Northumbria
There's a certain amount of trial and error with gear. With time, you'll find good and bad points about what you've already bought, then try something that seems an improvement the next time. If you are doing events, it may help to see what gear other people are using. Apart from footwear, whatever you get from a reputable manufacturer will do a good job for you, and you'll want to use it until it wears out anyway, which reduces the scope for experimentation somewhat. I prefer man made material for trousers and tops because it will dry out quicker than polycotton, wool or cotton and will be lighter. There is such a variety of footwear, some waterprrof and some not, from trainers to big leather boots, and the same thing will be comfortable for one person and cause blisters to another, so it's a good start that you have already bought your boots. Footwear is the only item I've ever bought and had to give up on either because they were so uncomfortable or they didn't last long enough. If it's backpacking gear you want advice on, I'll pass you onto more expert members.
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Fri 30th Sep 2011, 21:56
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
If you have 10 replies, you will have 10 different opinions. If you are thinking longterm, think lightweight, quality (good construction) and good fit. Have to say, I am seriously undecided about waterproofs (had 25 years to think about them), which is what everyone worries about. As I've never, ever manage to keep dry in a serious deluge and don't have money to throw away on "this years latest technology", I'm happier damp and windproof. A dustbin liner or cheap plastic poncho is light and waterproof, and you can recycle them if they don't work!!! I'm not recommending these, just thinking.
Regards rucksacks, drinking etc. always think - what is the minimum I need to carry, if you don't use it and don't need it (for safety) then don't carry it.
Barefoot Moley (who needs shoes).
Posted: Fri 30th Sep 2011, 17:36

I have recently taken up walking and my aim is to eventually do some reasonably challenging long distance walking. So far I have bought a pair of boots which seem to be working out quite well but I was wondering what advice anyone might give about what other gear I should be thinking about getting, particularly clothes etc

Many thanks


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