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Discussion Forum - Long Distance Paths - Via de la Plata

Author: Dennis Gilbert
Posted: Sat 17th Mar 2012, 10:56
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Bristol & West
Thank you for your replies. Unfortunately I have had to cancel my plans for this walk as I have over the last two months developed a problem with lack of co-ordination of leg and arm movements. Scans and tests reveal age degeneration of the cerebellum so I am not risking long distance walks on my own.
Posted: Mon 27th Feb 2012, 13:31
An even later reply.

I walked this 4 years ago, starting in Easter Week (Semana Santa). It is the opposite of the French Route in that I walked for days without seeing another walker (plenty of cyclists, mainly spanish). It would help if you spoke a bit of Spanish as no one speaks English in this area. When I did meet other walkers they were mainly German or Italian. I found the locals very helpful despite my lack of the language, it is a poor area and an english person is a novelty here! There were many newly built and palatial refugios but widely spaced. If it's not too late to change your plans, I would recommend keeping to the Via de la Plata on to Santiago instead of joining the French route at Astorga as the latter gets very crowded and accomodation sometimes difficult.

To add to the previous posting, look at the Confraternity of St. James website It is very helpful
Author: Ian Walker
Posted: Sun 26th Feb 2012, 20:49
Joined: 2010
Local Group: South Wales
This is REALLY late as a reply to your question, but the place you should explore is the forums here:
Author: Dennis Gilbert
Posted: Mon 3rd Oct 2011, 18:33
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Bristol & West
This is the name of the Camino de Santiago de Compostela in Spain starting at Seville, going north to Astorga and then joining up with the French Camino to continue to Santiago. I can obtain as much information as I require at this stage from various websites, but, what I am interested in is walkers' experiences in doing all or part of this route. My provisional plans are to start next next March and to allow 8 weeks to do the 1000 km route.
I shall be pleased to hear from anyone who has practical experience of this pilgrimage.

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