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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - To the single LDWA lady members

Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Thu 22nd Dec 2011, 20:21
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Rebecca, I don't think I could cope with army boot style conditioning either! You are a hard task mistress!

I'll let him into it gently I think. See if he likes the mud..... and bogs.
Author: Rebecca Lawrence
Posted: Thu 22nd Dec 2011, 8:34
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Marches
When I first met my fella he thought walking from New Street station to the children's hospital in Birmingham was an achievement (half a mile) - I couldn't hide my scorn - he was 3 stone overweight, middle aged spread and had a resting pulse of 92.....I showed him the error of his ways, and with about 6 weeks of conditioning army boot camp style, entered him for the Malvern Marathon (when it was 35 miles) as his first challenge walk - it nearly killed him - but he got round it - just. He's gone on to complete several 100's, lost all the excess flab, and his resting pulse is now 54....

I can't hand on heart say he'll ever be as keen on walking as me, but he does it, and seems to enjoy his new found fitness.

My advice is not to dismiss someone if they are unfit, as long as you are able to mould them to meet your requirements!!
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Wed 21st Dec 2011, 18:31
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Thanks Simon for the invite for a walk but I'm OK thank you!

Roy, sensible advice- yes I am too impatient. My friend is actually wanting to get fit enough to do 20 miles or more. But more than that he loves the outdoors and wants to get fit which I think is great! So I've been asked by him to get him fit, with 2 weekends free a month. That means 2 consecutive days of 10/12 milers so 4 walking days/month.

I thought do the Cleveland way in reverse with 10/12 milers each section as the ascent will build up at the end. Then 15 milers. Come Spring 20 milers and increase the ascent.

And he doesn't mind walking with groups either as long as he is outdoors. Yippee! See what happens.
Author: Roy Turner
Posted: Tue 13th Dec 2011, 13:34
Joined: 1988
Local Group: Vermuyden (South Yorks)
Eileen, Sorry to "butt" in as i don't qualify,(not single lady) but like to poke my nose in, so my wife say's!!
If you like the guy, can't you put up with the dog, untill such time you develop him to your exacting standards.
Just a thought, or are you too impatient?
Might make a better drinking partner!!
Awaiting developments!
Good Luck!
Author: Simon Broughton
Posted: Tue 13th Dec 2011, 10:50
Joined: 2006
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Any way eileen claiming your too fit for mere mortal men is a bold statement and sure to perk a
Few ears up I reckon :-)
Author: Simon Broughton
Posted: Tue 13th Dec 2011, 10:46
Joined: 2006
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Strong words there eilleen , becarefull you don't want an email !!!. Fortunatly I don't have your
Problem. You'll just have to keep it among us other fellow odd people or cast your net on fra forum plenty of fit nutters on there. If u get that stuck I'll do a walk with you ;-)
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Mon 12th Dec 2011, 23:28
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Miffed- is that a not allowed word? No- so I am doubly miffed then!
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Mon 12th Dec 2011, 23:21
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
(if any). Do ever get the feeling that you are too fit for the non long distance male walkers? Or whatever?

I do. One date (or whatever) and they soon realise they are not the stud they thought they were! And it's my fault of course. I expected too much.

But their dogs make better walking companions- at least they can make it half way up a low rising hillock.

Sorry Simon- trying to keep it good but I am a bit miffed!

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