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Discussion Forum - Events - Winter Tanners

Author: Jeff Campbell
Posted: Tue 17th Jan 2012, 0:44
Joined: 1984
Local Group: Surrey
No apologies necessary! We should all be grateful to Elton and Juliet for spending so many hours in the cold Leatherhead car park, attempting to cope with the unusually large number of entrants on their return from the Tanners. Whilst we were as warm as toast from the activity, you must have suffered the early stages of frostbite!

Thanks too must go to those manning the checkpoints, cheerfully dishing out food, drinks and encouragement. The temperature was -4° at 7:30AM, rising to a blistering 5° in the afternoon. Fine if you are on the move but a real test of resolve for the helpers spending several hours standing on frozen ground at a checkpoint. Jeff
Author: Duncan Baber
Posted: Mon 16th Jan 2012, 21:36
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Wiltshire
The "enforced opportunity" to meet up with other walkers and runners at the end of the event was a minor blemish in what was otherwise an excellently organised event. Super route, flawless (30 mile) route description, wonderfully cheerful helpers at each of the checkpoints (you must have been freezing !). Thank you so much.
Author: Robert Attwood
Posted: Mon 16th Jan 2012, 21:03
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Bristol & West
Like all things in life you can't always cater for every eventuality but having driven up from Bristol to do my first W.T. I had nothing but praise for those running yesterdays event.To man check points for so long in such cold weather whilst we enjoyed ourselves keeping warm walking 30 miles in the Surrey countryside I thank you very much.Oh yes I must add, finishing at 16.30 it took 2 minutes to receive my certificate (and this was from the same lady who checked me in at 06.50...sorry I dont know your name) so once again thanks to all who made my day memorable.
Author: Elton Ellis
Posted: Sun 15th Jan 2012, 20:44
Joined: 2006
Local Group: Surrey
My sincere apologies to those who had to queue for 20 minutes and more in the freezing January weather in Leatherhead car park. It was our first time handling a challenge finish, and I misjudged the rate at which returning entrants would be arriving.

We wanted to issue certificates at the finish in the usual LDWA manner, but given the number of entrants, the rate of arrival of finishers and the fact the finish check point was outdoors (and with no toilets!), this resulted in an unacceptable queuing.

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