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Discussion Forum - Events - Rhondda Rollercoaster

Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Tue 14th May 2013, 9:47
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
My video & photos of this are now on-line:
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Wed 24th Apr 2013, 18:59
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
Hi John,

Well that depends on how the wording is used.

For example, in paragraph 1, when walking through the streets to get to the path, at one point you are advised to "TL, river now on RHS." That would mean that the river should be on your right, and that you would walk to the left of the river.
And again, in paragraph 3 you are advised to "Leave trig point (290°) keeping rough ground on LHS". This would mean that the rough ground would be on your left, so you would be walking to the right of it.

Now later on, in paragraph 4, "TR & TK will pass to the L of large wooden post". This means that the track will go to the left of a large wooden post, so it would be on your right as you walked along.
In the same paragraph though is different description. This time it says "SO passing to L of gate & follow lane to arrive at RD." This means that you will pass to the left of the gate so that it's on the right hand side.

Hope this all helps.


Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Wed 24th Apr 2013, 7:47
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Hi David,
can you just confirn then, all directions, L & R are relative to the walker, never an object?
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Tue 23rd Apr 2013, 20:51
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
Hi John - We checked that part of the route after your feedback and concluded that there was no need to alter the description radically. The beauty of that part of the route is that the next instruction is to reach a LMG and ST. You won't reach that by going the other way, and so we concluded we didn't need to do anything about it. Thanks for taking the time to add assistance to those who might be confused.
Author: John Pennifold
Posted: Tue 23rd Apr 2013, 18:23
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
Hi David,
you many have seen my recent posting about ambiguous L & R directions in route descriptions. Out of interest I looked up the paragraph from the Rhondda Rollercoaster (para 24) where we came to grief last year. I was hoping (following our discussion last year) that the instructiosn might be clearer, but unfortunately find them still to be ambiguous.
"24. X ST & follow broken dry stone wall on LHS. Shortly, the path bends to the R. Then follow 2nd dry stone wall on LHS. (Dry stone wall is broken in places) Follow dry stone wall & keep wall on LHS at all times. NEVER WALK WITH WALL ON RHS. Follow wall to arrive at ST next to LMG. X ST & SO keeping wall on LHS to arrive at LMG. Pass through & SO with wall on LHS. Arrive at gap in wall on LHS at TK JCN. TR downhill, now keeping wire fence on RHS. Follow fence to arrive at LMG as TK bends sharply to the L. Pass through LMG & SO down TK. After 290 YDS arrive at LMG on LHS. (GR 033 923)"
also for reference
"25. TL & descend. The TK will become a concrete TK and in due course will become a tarmac lane. As the tarmac lane bends to the L, ignore the footpath on the RHS. Follow lane to arrive at farm buildings. Follow downhill through farm. Shortly after leaving farm buildings TR through two green LMG?s. Follow lane downhill to arrive at RD. TL to arrive at T JCN. X RD to pavement opposite & TR. TL into 1st RD on LHS. (yellow grit bin on LHS) Arrive at staggered X RD?s. TL & remain on LH pavement to arrive at T JCN. X RD to pavement opposite & TR. After 20 YDS TL. (Gethin Terrace) Follow RD to arrive at T JCN. (GR 039 914)"
My concern is whether L & R are relative to the walker or the object. In para 25 "TL into 1st RD on LHS." is quite clear because the LHS of the road is also walker's LHS. But in para 24 "X ST & follow broken dry stone wall on LHS." is ambiguous because the wall's LHS and the walker's LHS are reversed. I feel that "follow broken dry stone wall on LHS." to most people would mean "follow broken dry stone wall on wall's LHS.". It's not until we get to "Follow dry stone wall & keep wall on LHS at all times." that we get the actual meaning of LHS.
Having spent a long time analysing the whole description for L & R style, I am slowly coming to the opinion that LHS & RHS are always relative to the walker, never an object. Am I right in this? If so, could I make the simple suggestion that in the list of abbreviations, "LHS ? Left hand Side, RHS ? Right Hand Side" be clarified to read "LHS ? Walker's Left hand Side, RHS ? Walker's Right Hand Side".
I can't be the only person to have been confused in this way, but I have only solved the problem(I think) by putting it in writing and ananlying the text for style. I has helped me (I hope) and will hopefully help others. Or maybe I am so stupid that a 2 year old would have had no problem at all.
John Pennifold
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Mon 22nd Apr 2013, 16:32
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
The Rhondda Rollercoaster's route description and gpx tracks have been uploaded to the event website.

We have 210 entries as of today (22.04.13) and we will accept entries on the day.
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Wed 30th Jan 2013, 15:35
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
The 2013 Rhondda Rollercoaster is halfway to its cut off limit. If you are thinking of entering, can I gently suggest that you may wish to do it sooner rather than later.

Online entry available at


Author: David Morgan
Posted: Fri 12th Oct 2012, 16:28
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
The 2013 Rhondda Rollercoaster is to be held on the 11th May 2013. Entries for the event are now open, but please note that we are limited to 200 entrants, and last year we nearly hit that limit.

Details of the event, including photographs of the route and a video made by John Pennifold can be found at:

The video can be found under the 2012 results tab.

You can enter via post if that is your want, but we would prefer that you entered via our online sportident entry page as it maks it very easy for us, the organisers. This can be found at:

The updated route description will be ready for download about a month before the event together with gpx tracks of the route for GPS users. We will email all entrants when those documents are ready to use.

We very much look forward to hearing from you, and in turn experiencing yet another wonderful day in the South Wales Valleys.

David Morgan
Author: Andrew Clabon
Posted: Sun 13th May 2012, 18:49
Joined: 1982
Local Group: South Wales
Thanks to John Pennifold for the video of the event.
Author: Andrew Clabon
Posted: Thu 10th May 2012, 8:00
Joined: 1982
Local Group: South Wales
And the weather forecast is looking good Dave.
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Fri 4th May 2012, 17:44
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
Despite the entries selling well, due to the fact that we have negotiated additional car parking space, we can guarantee that entries on the day WILL be accepted.

So, if the weather is good, you know that the Rhondda is the place to be!!!

David Morgan
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Thu 12th Apr 2012, 10:58
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
There are only 50 places left for this popular event, and they are selling out quickly. If you want to guarantee yourself a place on this wonderful event, please book ASAP. We will accept SEF's as well as the online route that can be found at
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Sat 3rd Mar 2012, 21:58
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
We're about halfway now to our maximum limit. Entries have been strong for this year but there are still plenty of spaces left, so if you want a good work out prior to the Hundred, or you just want a fabulous walk in an area that is not well known, then this is the walk for you!!!

Entries can be made at
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Wed 18th Jan 2012, 10:53
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
I should have added. The event will be held on the 12th May!
Author: David Morgan
Posted: Wed 18th Jan 2012, 10:50
Joined: 1994
Local Group: South Wales
Entries are well under way now for the 2nd Rhondda Rollercoaster. This event had a great write up in Strider last year, and is justifiably a popular event due to the wonderful route that Gwyn Matthews has designed.
Entries can be made on line or via SEF and the details can be found by following this link.

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