The 2013 Rhondda Rollercoaster is to be held on the 11th May 2013. Entries for the event are now open, but please note that we are limited to 200 entrants, and last year we nearly hit that limit.
Details of the event, including photographs of the route and a video made by John Pennifold can be found at:
The video can be found under the 2012 results tab.
You can enter via post if that is your want, but we would prefer that you entered via our online sportident entry page as it maks it very easy for us, the organisers. This can be found at:
The updated route description will be ready for download about a month before the event together with gpx tracks of the route for GPS users. We will email all entrants when those documents are ready to use.
We very much look forward to hearing from you, and in turn experiencing yet another wonderful day in the South Wales Valleys.
David Morgan