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Discussion Forum - Gear ! - Viewranger on iPhone/iPad

Author: Tony Cartwright
Posted: Sat 14th Feb 2015, 15:41
Joined: 1978
Local Group: Surrey
Sorry John, but beg to differ. Depends on how you use it. See my posts on Tablet GPS?

Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Sun 5th Jan 2014, 20:33
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
It lasts 8 hours if you turn it on rarely! Apps on iphone or ipad chew up the battery, not practical for serious navigation
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Fri 3rd Jan 2014, 20:34
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
Getting back to newer devices

Their is a xgps 150a/e portable gps anttana for ipad mini and works with most portable tabs

And should be available jan 2014
Not sure of the price but no 3G fees or tarif is needed
Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Fri 3rd Jan 2014, 17:48
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
Cheers peter

For reply
I have found a better and cheaper way using viewranger on a ipad mini.
I have a old bluetooth GPS navtec device. Which was a dell device I use to use with a dell handheld in my car as a car GPS.
The device is rechargeable and last about 8 hours so once Bluetooth paired with mini ipad you have a separate receiver which is also free to use.
And you can turn on and off and should easily last you on a 30 mile walk
Author: Peter Steckles
Posted: Fri 27th Dec 2013, 20:55
Joined: 1998
Local Group: East Lancashire
Hi Stephen.

Does it not work for you because the Mini iPad is a bit too large to carry about on a longer walk or for another reason?

I have an iPad and I have purchased a few tiles of my immediate vicinity. It works really well but I suspect its too large to carry far.

I also have a Nexus4 phone, and have also installed ViewRanger on the Nexus, but I was worried about the length of battery life for longer events, and being a fixed rechargeable battery it only lasts about 8 hours (No good on the Bullock Smithy, except perhaps for the first home...) I now also have an Anker External Battery which weighs about as much as two Mars Bars, so that could solve the battery life issue.

Also the phone isn't waterproof, so the suggestion from Reg to consider the Overboard waterproof case could solve that problem.

I notice also that ViewRanger have dropped the price of their 1:25,000 GB coverage quite a bit since OS dropped their prices. Its still too much (sorry ViewRanger, but times are hard and that could be a luxury too far for me, and I suspect, others...?)

As Eileen says, its really hard to make a sensible choice of GPS device... and usually you only have one go at getting it right... :-(


Author: Steve Rackett
Posted: Fri 27th Dec 2013, 16:37
Joined: 1980
Local Group: London
The viewranger is a great app on mini ipad but out in the field does not work for me
For short walks great ,but anything from 30 - 100 miles not really practical
Posted: Fri 20th Dec 2013, 13:06
I used my Ipad mini only on my Tour Du Mont Blanc and the Stevenson Trail in the summer. In order to get WI-FI on the move I bought a MI-FI from Three. If you use it abroad you need to get it unlocked. As regards water, I purchased an Overboard waterproof pouch to keep the Ipad dry, you can work it through the see though the see though case which just hangs around my neck, perfect.
Posted: Sun 3rd Feb 2013, 13:38
Does it work without a 3G signal? i.e I've got an iPod without mobile coverage.
Posted: Mon 29th Oct 2012, 2:17

I've been using the outdoors app on the I phone for a few months now and find it spot on. Its never lost its signal and always been reliable. The only comment I would make is that if you track (record) your route then it does chomp through the battery. I find I can walk about 25 miles on one charge. It does go further if all the other apps are turned off. However, if you only use it as a guide then it will last a lot longer.

One other down side is the small screen, it makes planning routes a little difficult. A massive up side, it is very accurate. Open access land is not an issue as I've tested a few times.

If you have a smart phone then these type of apps are a good cheap alternative to sat navs.
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Wed 14th Mar 2012, 7:15
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Problem with iphone and ipad - not waterproof on a walk. Can't compete with satmap and the better Garmins. But these latter can't give you SkyGo or iplayer, or ibooks so get the lot, you can afford it Eileen!
Posted: Mon 12th Mar 2012, 17:04
Eileen, had you down as an iRon girl.
Posted: Mon 12th Mar 2012, 16:29
Well I had an iPhone anyway, so it's cost didn't enter into it butI believe the app also works on android and HTC. I looked at the garmin units not only for walking but also for cycling, I wanted mapping, distance, speed ,altitude, waypoints, track recording/planning and the ability to upload and download routes to my laptop. The other great feature is you can download map tiles using the 3G network while you are out if you need too. I got it for £15 compared to about £300. it also means I only have to carry a phone. For me it was a no brainer.
Author: Eileen Greenwood
Posted: Tue 28th Feb 2012, 19:42
Joined: 2002
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
And what is the cost for an iPad and an iPhone?

It's so confusing trying to work out the best deal and value for money. This device does x but this device does xx. I'm trying to find a device that does xxxx!

Apple should get into the Toy market. An iRabbit should do wonders for example.
Posted: Sat 25th Feb 2012, 10:31
I tried on the Viewranger app on my iPhone yesterday and am really impressed. On an 18 mile walk it was accurate and diddnt loose signal once even when stuffed inside a deep pocket. The compass feature gave very accurate bearings on the 1:250000 map tiles. I also like the ability to transfer routes between multiple devices, so both my iPhone and iPad can both be used as a GPS all for an initial outlay of £15.

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