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Discussion Forum - Events - Six Dales Circuit

Author: Louise Whittaker
Posted: Sun 11th Nov 2012, 21:08
Joined: 1994
Local Group: Staffordshire
Glorious walking weather yesterday for the Six Dales Circuit from Biggin - 26 ish miles in 11 hours - how is that for comfortable! With more time pressures these days - its nice to see a more leisurely pace allowed - even if most folks came in well under the limit. This is a great way to make Long Distance Challenge Events welcoming to folks daring to walk these distances for the first time. When you've done a few - then you have the shape/size, and your personal approach all worked out - but the first event can be daunting. Throw in Staffs groups hospitality - and the scenery on this walk = wonderful day. A big thank you to the organisers. It was also great to see a party of young people taking part.

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