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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - BLOOD DONORS WANTED

Author: Peter Steckles
Posted: Mon 7th Jan 2013, 19:35
Joined: 1998
Local Group: East Lancashire
I'm sure any regular donors would have received the following message from NHS Blood and Transplant

Copy of email received from the Blood Service below. You all may be regular donors, but if you are not, then why not consider? You never know when you or one of your loved ones may need some blood?

Pass this on to any friends and family, or onto other Forums.



[51 donations and still going strong...]

Do you know someone who could help us save lives?

Dear Peter,

As a regular blood donor, you already know that you are helping to save and improve lives every time you give blood. Thank you for your generous support.

We also face a challenge to find new donors every year if we're to ensure there's always enough blood, and that challenge is now a particularly pressing one.

We've recently launched a 100 thousand new donors in 100 days campaign to encourage more people to come forward, and we're asking all existing donors to please spread the word in support of that campaign.

If you have a friend or family member who might be interested in giving blood, please forward this email to them or ask them to register as a blood donor by calling us or visiting our website as detailed below.

Thank you,

Jonathan Latham,
Assistant Director, Blood Donation

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