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Discussion Forum - Gear ! - memory map 2800

Author: Forum Moderator
Posted: Fri 23rd Aug 2013, 15:22
Moved to Gear.
Author: Iain Connell
Posted: Fri 23rd Aug 2013, 15:15
Joined: 2010
Local Group: East Lancashire
Moderators - this post looks to be in the wrong place (Gear ?)
Author: Debbie Hayes
Posted: Tue 13th Aug 2013, 16:19
Joined: 2013
Local Group: Kent

My husband bought me a memory map for my birthday in March, it has never worked! We have returned it 3 times (at our own cost as MM do not cover postage). It still does not work, in fact...the unit does not even switch on! memory map have not offered a refund or replacement unit, and wont cover the cost of the postage and all the OS maps i had bought to download on to it. So far we are out of pocket by over £250. So be warned!
I have been advised Garmin is definatley the way to go!
Author: Simon Leck
Posted: Wed 16th Jan 2013, 9:50
Joined: 1997
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Hi Colin,

Is there any particular reason you like the look of Memory-Map's GPS? I'd also consider the offerings from SatMap and Garmin.

Author: Colin Mark Whitehouse
Posted: Tue 15th Jan 2013, 20:12
Joined: 2012
Local Group: Heart of England
hi im thinking of getting the memory map 2800 can anyone give me any info to help me make my mind up please.cheers

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