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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Pseudonyms, a good or a bad thing?

Author: Norman Corrin
Posted: Sun 17th Feb 2013, 20:51
Joined: 1981
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
I've looked at other forums such as the BBC sports or news forums which allow pseudonyms (have I spelt that right?!) .After a few posts due to the authors being anonymous they have invariably developed into abusive exchanges between the members. I'd agree that your proper name should be displayed. All we're trying to do on this forum is allow our members to put one foot in front of another and go for a walk. We're all passionate about this association but we should try to keep it in perspective.
Author: Peter Steckles
Posted: Wed 13th Feb 2013, 19:15
Joined: 1998
Local Group: East Lancashire
but pseudonyms only work if the posters remain anonymous... and it doesn't take long for regular posters to know just who is who, or, indeed, whom is whom...

The moderators and those good people who run the forum can easily see whom is whom, and if the plan is to remain anonymous so that members can say what they feel about the committee, then the argument is, perhaps flawed?

I think members should have the courage of their convictions, present a reasoned argument, refrain from personal attacks, and punctuate the text with smilies so that folks can see when they are 'avin a larf ;)

I know hardly anyone on here. I have met a few East Lancs walkers, and of course the South Manchester brigade.

This is a first rate forum.

Lets celebrate its good points rather than dwelling on anything less good?


Pedro ;)
Posted: Wed 13th Feb 2013, 10:43
Strange thing, because of arthritus I havent walked with the LDWA for two years and so havent posted on this forum. I come back to it because, it's snowing outside and I want a break from the OU site and what do I find? The LDWA has not changed. Years ago we had the argument about dogs and the pro dog and anti dog people couldnt agree and there was talk of censorship and of course my favorite in which I always got bashed down on "The use of Pseudonyms on this forum". Personaly I think that we should be allowed to use a nick name. I think would encourage more people to post on the site. It is alright saying "let us be open and honest" but their are people who do worry about offending others with views that they know are contrary to the National Committee and the people they may walk with but are nether the less viable. Yes the site should be moderated but also let us have a bit of privacy for those that want it. As for the dog postings I wonder if they would have been withdrawn if the posters names had not been up in flashing lights.
Author: Forum Moderator
Posted: Tue 12th Feb 2013, 10:46
Please note the following Forum policy: Posts are made using your registered name and pseudonyms are not allowed.
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Sun 10th Feb 2013, 21:29
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Pseudonymns? - no way!
Author: Peter Steckles
Posted: Sat 9th Feb 2013, 23:06
Joined: 1998
Local Group: East Lancashire
Real names every time

And strict moderators

And no text speak

I don't want to bring hanging back... yet ;)
Author: Ian Sykes
Posted: Sat 9th Feb 2013, 11:32
Joined: 1986
Local Group: East Yorkshire
A member as brought up this subject on another thread and asks why we can't use then on this forum.

I for one think this is a bad idea. If anybody in afraid to post without using there real name, then don't post. Nothing should be posted on here that you would not say face to face with the people concerned.

I use a forum where everybody as to have Pseudonyms because of serious ramifications if every their identity is found out. Because we don't know each other, mainly new members posts with swear words in them, a pet hate of mine on forums. I did report every post that in my eyes went beyond the realms of decency, until the Webmaster informed the forum that swearing was allowed. Also a lot is posted that you would not say face to face, which again I think is wrong. But luckily all the regular posters get on very well with each other and respect all the different views we may hold.

Anyhow that's my view on it, how about you?

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