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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Ramblers - Discuss

Author: Martin Southwick
Posted: Mon 11th Feb 2013, 8:46
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Lincolnshire

Please note my "ramblings" above have appeared where they shouldnt have.
They have now been placed under "New topic"

Pilot error !
Author: Martin Southwick
Posted: Mon 11th Feb 2013, 8:42
Joined: 1996
Local Group: Lincolnshire
Folks . . .
As a new member to the LDWA, and having done three events this year so far, can someone explain the following to me please.?
Like many others, im interested in how long it takes myself to get over certain distances/events.
Whilst we arent all competetive, times are given out for the distances we have just covered. To that end, im guessing we all swap stories of the event we have just done and maybe try to beat our previous time in next years event. Im guessing too that there may be some friendly rivalry between a lot of folks, and the times they have just achieved. (For me personally, im collecting my times at present and as I get fitter/stronger, will try and get "over the ground" quicker next year)

To that end, why do some people seem to want to "jump the gun" at the start of the event, and simply start the event at their own free will (Its happened in all three I've done so far, by as much as 5/10 minutes) ??

I realise the LDWA is very laid back, and this probably doesnt matter to most folks (although I guessing it will matter more to guys who are runners and do have "rivals")

Am I being pedantic ?

Please note this isnt a complaint, but an observation.
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Sun 10th Feb 2013, 21:57
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Over here in East Yorks we have quite a strong relationship with various Ramblers Groups; many of our LDWA folks have "joint membership": RA/LDWA, not so much vice versa, I have to say. How about the rest of you? Do you see fundamental differences or liaisons. I know our culture of Challenge Events is different, but do you see merit in their socials and their holiday events? Often, Ramblers have many walks on a weekday, useful if one is looking for an outing on a sunny Monday or Tuesday. I wonder how many have dual membership.......

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