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Discussion Forum - Local Groups - Isle of Wight Group

Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Sat 13th Sep 2014, 17:28
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Holland, Belgium, so...??
Author: Janet Whiteman
Posted: Sun 7th Sep 2014, 12:16
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Surrey
Before you all come back and say Nijmegen is not in Belgium, I know it is in Holland.
Author: Janet Whiteman
Posted: Sun 7th Sep 2014, 11:48
Joined: 1989
Local Group: Surrey
I am sorry to disagree with the statement that the Isle of Wight holds the largest festival in Europe. Those who make this statement obviously have never been to Nijmegen where they actually hold a festival of walking, with distances every day of 30, 40 and 50 km. Whereby, literally thousands of walkers take part, and come from all over the world, and is by far the largest - in numbers of walkers taking part - in Europe. I have for many years been to Belgium taking part in many long distance events. In Belgium there are events nearly every week, and this also shows by the fact that the waymarks of the routes are painted on the roads.
Author: Gordon Jeffreys
Posted: Wed 9th Apr 2014, 16:39
Joined: 2011
Local Group: Thames Valley
Greensand 40 miles 20th July 2014
I live in Amersham and plan to go on the above walk
If anyone is interested in car sharing please email me on
Thank you
Don Jeffreys
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Mon 4th Nov 2013, 19:44
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Good news Stephen and great to see IOW flourishing. Hope to join them in an idyllic summer on the island.....
Author: Stephen Retout
Posted: Sat 2nd Nov 2013, 20:17
Joined: 2012
Local Group: Anytime Anywhere
Last weekend I joined the IOW LDWA Group on the three day Round the Island Walk. It is a really welcoming group and for this walk collaborating with the Isle of Wight Walking Festival. It is worth having a look at the IOW LDWA blog which gives a flavour of the enthusiasm of the small group who run it. But this was no clique - Various islanders, several walkers from Wolverhampton, and around the South Coast of North Island (as they like to call England!) as well as Bulgaria joined and left at various points over the three days. Not all were LDWA members but all are encouraged to consider joining by David Yates the leader.
Teaming up with a walking festival might be something other LDWA groups should consider. One feature of this walk was the much wider age profile than one usually finds with the LDWA.
Another good point about the IOW LDWA was that when I applied for the walk I was put in touch with all their electronic media such as Facebook. Incidentally, the IOW is a really interesting and scenic place ......
David enthusiatically described the Isle of Wight as the 'walking capital of Europe'. Apparently, the festival is the largest walking festival in Europe now, so it makes sense for this fledging LDWA group to benefit from the synergy of such an event.

Stephen Retout (High Peak Group)
Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Mon 10th Jun 2013, 17:50
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Good points John and I agree with you. Some groups feel vulnerable though and fear to lose members to new groups, but as we can walk with any group and associate to any we wish, I don't think any should be fearful
Author: John Phillips
Posted: Mon 29th Apr 2013, 11:07
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
Best wishes in the formation of this new group. Nice to see extra groups being formed. I do believe the LDWA could support many more smaller groups. Some of the large groups cover too large an area in my opinion and could easily support two or three smaller groups. A lot of the large groups tend to have a focus on one town and walkers living some distance away may feel they are excluded and drift away.
Suggestions were invited in the latest Strider on ways to retain members. Creating more smaller groups may help.

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