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Discussion Forum - Website Development - Editing own posts

Author: Norman Corrin
Posted: Wed 15th May 2013, 19:31
Joined: 1981
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Hi Simon

I've looked at other open forums such as the BBC. Debates always start off quiet reasonably and well balanced and then without fail deteriorate into abusive slanging matches. So I'd agree with the idea of a partially restricted access forum.

Keep up the good work!
Author: Peter Steckles
Posted: Wed 15th May 2013, 19:17
Joined: 1998
Local Group: East Lancashire
Hi Simon.

Thanks for your response.

I also visit North West Mini Forum, and that, I think is powered by phpBB, but hosted on a domain which one of the founder members hosts and I know they moderate theirs quite carefully.

Ironically, they used to allow editing, but some n'er do wells (who, I understand, had a disagreement with the club) edited all their own posts and removed a lot of good content. As a result, they don't allow self editing.

The work you do on the forum and other internet related work is much appreciated.

I am sure we can live with whatever makes life easier for you, and safer for the organisation.


Author: Simon Leck
Posted: Wed 15th May 2013, 13:19
Joined: 1997
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast

I've asked Mark (MKH Computer Services Ltd) about using phpBB and he's says it's a good bit of software, but he says that most of the forums that use this software tend to be open forums. I have a few reservations about having an open forum where non-members could post on it. If you look at some of the Forum on the web, people sometimes say things that need to be moderated e.g. Sexist or Racist comments. At the moment I have a degree of control over the Forum and in theory I can pull a post if something unsavoury is posted. We don't know if it would be possible to link the software into our login system and this would take time to figure out if it's possible. Also we would need to migrate the current forum over to a new system if we went down this route, again this would take time.

I would suggest that members use the 'preview' button to check their message before posting it and if they do make a mistake let me know and I'll sort it out for them. However I need to be careful when editing a post, as the problem is I don't want to change context of a post once it's gone live.

Author: Bill Lancashire
Posted: Wed 15th May 2013, 12:29
Joined: 2003
Local Group: South Wales
All understood Simon but this was requested literally years ago.

I also repeat that to implement phpBB forum system cost nothing and is easy to configure.
Author: Simon Leck
Posted: Wed 15th May 2013, 11:24
Joined: 1997
Local Group: Yorkshire Coast
Hi Folks,

Thanks for your feedback on the Forum...

You may (or may not) be aware that I get allocated a budget each year to develop the LDWA website and this work is undertaken by paid for contractor, MKH Computer Services Ltd. Enhancements to the LDWA website are decided by the Internet Sub Committee that meets several times a year to decide the work that is to be undertaken. Unfortunately this year?s budget has already been allocated and so any develop to the Forum will have to wait until next year. From your comments I realise the Forum is important to members of LDWA and I believe there is scope for development in the future.

(Internet Officer).
Author: Bill Lancashire
Posted: Sat 4th May 2013, 20:23
Joined: 2003
Local Group: South Wales
I have asked this question before and suggested LDWA use the free forum system called phpBB which is loaded with features such as personal messaging, searching, editing, adding images and loads more. Many sites like 'Nuttalls' and lots of amateur interest group sites use it so I really don't see the problem. It costs nothing!.

Let's get with the times please.
Author: Nic Arb
Posted: Fri 3rd May 2013, 10:31
Joined: 2005
Local Group: Kent
I agree that it would be good if it were possible. And also to be able to delete our own posts. One of my posts in the previous topic was posted empty and is still there.
Author: Peter Steckles
Posted: Tue 30th Apr 2013, 19:20
Joined: 1998
Local Group: East Lancashire
Is this possible...?

Most people are responsible, and the ability to edit one's own post can help continuity...

If I think of any other good reasons, I'll post another topic... ;)

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