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Discussion Forum - Events - Running at events

Author: Rebecca Lawrence
Posted: Fri 7th Jun 2013, 9:56
Joined: 2003
Local Group: Marches
I tend to run / walk events depending on the terrain and whether I can be bothered running.....I have had a few comments...'its meant to be a walk' etc but generally I've not had an issue although I tend to slow down after 20mls or so and then the fast walkers have the satisfaction of catching me up and looking smug!
Author: R Neil Higham
Posted: Sat 1st Jun 2013, 23:47
Joined: 1980
Local Group: Kent
Roger, good evening

I would just like to add my two and half penceworth here.

Whilst I managed a dozen or so road marathons a long time ago (including two in successive weekends which I thought was good going, but now know that it's only par for the course!) I have only ever run one LDWA event, and that - a 20 mile Oxon in 1994 if memory is up to scratch - only 'cos I had a Choral Society rehearsal in the afternoon (with 'performance' in the evening).

However, this post is not about me, so let's move on ....

Let's just say that I am aware that there are some 'big wigs' in some of the UK's major long distance and ultra running clubs who do turn out for our events, so "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" as the old saying went (not that I ever quite understood the phrasing ............)

Furthermore, I recently viewed the 100 Marathon Club website and came across the following Q&A

"Q - I've noticed that some of the trail marathons you list are stated as being of ?only? 26 miles, do they count?
A - We understand that it is impossible to accurately measure some trail marathon routes so we allow organizers to round down the declared distance to 26 miles. In the majority of these events the actual distance covered is often somewhat more than the declared distance."

Certainly the trend for LDWA events has been to extend what were previously 25 mile events to 'at least 26.2 miles' specifically in order to cater for those looking at Marathon bagging.

And whilst I certainly don't expect you to come over to East Sussex for the 26 mile event that I am organising (Kent Group's the High Weald/Heart of the Weald from Wadhurst) on July 14th, I can assure you that it will be as best as I can get it (bearing in mind the answer above) just under 27 miles (though there are also 20 mile and 15 mile options); and one of the early entrants for this event just happens to be a young lady from the Montgomeryshire area (a walker), who I guess is perhaps staying over with friends or this is part of her holiday or .........
Author: Norman Corrin
Posted: Wed 22nd May 2013, 19:53
Joined: 1981
Local Group: Beds, Bucks and Northants
Hi Roger. Welcome to the LDWA. Most events accept runners nowadays there are very few purely walking only events. As Matt said if you arrive at a checkpoint before it?s due to open it?s best to wait until the official opening time and not try to check in before the CP is due to open. This will cause the organisers problems and they have enough to deal with on the day. I hope you enjoy your time with us and spread the word!
Author: Matthew Hand
Posted: Wed 22nd May 2013, 9:50
Joined: 2001
Local Group: Mid Wales
Tends to depend on the checkpoint opening times, if one is manned and opens at 11am and you go belting through at 10.45, you may cause problems for a while by being 'unrecorded'.
I've been running them for years without any probs, but always check with organisers at the start and let them know what you are doing etc. It's essential that everyone is accounted for on the route.
Posted: Wed 22nd May 2013, 9:28
Hi - as a new member I'm interested to find out your views about running at your events. I recently ran the Rhondda Rollercoaster (which was brilliant btw) but was wondering if running is permitted at all events or just certain ones.
How will I know whether running is acceptable or not?

Thanks in advance for any comments.

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