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Discussion Forum - The Bothy - Women's Walking magazine

Author: Dr. John Batham
Posted: Fri 27th Sep 2013, 21:08
Joined: 2007
Local Group: East Yorkshire
She wants to write an article on why women fail?!! No wonder they are the weaker sex! Shape up you gals!
Author: Julie Welch
Posted: Fri 30th Aug 2013, 9:35
Joined: 1996
Local Group: London
This lady approached me via John Sparshatt. Is there anyone who would like to feature in her Women's Walking article?

My name is Lisa Jackson and I'm a freelance writer working for a new UK-based magazine called Women?s Walking (from the publishers of Women's Running magazine;
I've been commissioned to write an article called The One That Got Away and am looking for five inspirational case studies of women who failed to finish walking events/races/trails they?ve entered (either formal events or long hikes they've organised themselves). I'd like to talk to them about why they had to pull out or didn't finish, what lessons they learned from these experiences - and what they went on to do next.
In my view, we learn just as much, if not more, from the times we fail (I've had to drop out of one marathon and was pulled off the course of an ultramarathon, having done 78K - and wasn't awarded a medal) than the times we succeed, and the article will explore this.
Participating would require the submission of a photograph and also answering a few short questions via email (or phone). All case studies would get copy approval before the article went to print and would also be sent a pdf of the article once it's published on 28 December.
I would also be able to include The Long Distance Walkers Association's website address.
Please feel free to pass this on to any women walkers you know - my email address is (in case this seems an odd address, I'm also a clinical hypnotherapist).
I have a very tight deadline on this so it would be wonderful if you could get back to me by Monday, 2 September if you know of someone who'd like to be featured.

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