Isn't the internet brill...
"Within two days of Paterson?s subversive experiment with common sense, that shy beast was frightened back down its burrow and usual service resumed. In Parliament yesterday, Cameron said:
?We now need to move more rapidly to the issues like dredging, which I think will help to make a long-term difference. It is not currently safe to dredge in the Levels. But I can confirm that dredging will start as soon as it is practical, as soon as the waters have started to come down.?
Paterson then repeated the sentiment. It didn?t take him long to forget his statement on Monday, that ?increased dredging of rivers on the Somerset Levels would not have prevented the recent widespread flooding?.
Cameron?s dredge pledge is like the badger cull. It is useless. It is counterproductive. But it keeps the farmers happy and allows the government to be seen to be doing something: something decisive and muscular and visible. And that, in these dismal times, appears to be all that counts."